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"Hanseul." The man looked up from his work, dropping your wrist from his grip and laughing when you crumpled to the ground in a pathetic heap of a person. Your eyes were unfocused, staring through the wall of your dark and dank room-the only room you'd seen for the last month. You bled onto the concrete, creating a fresh pool on top of the crusted stains of past torture. "What do you want?"
"M called, he wants you to meet him for a business deal."
The light leaking from the cracked door where one of his henchmen stood hurt your eyes, it was too bright-you hadn't seen such lighting in a long time, you could barely even remember what your own hands actually looked like outside of the fuzzy grey of shadow. Hanseul looked to you as you started to lift your wrist up to you to try and stanch the bleeding of the X's he'd left along your arms.
An X for each time you met his gaze with defiance-so you'd associate rebellion with pain. He'd had yet to fully condition you. So instead, the X's had got bigger and deeper.
"I don't have an adequate babysitter here." His eyes narrowed to the man in the doorway. "I don't trust you guys with her. I'm not ready for her to die yet." The man swallowed, remembering the last girl that Hanseul had brought in. He'd had to watch over her while Hanseul attended business. She'd died from blood-loss because Hanseul wasn't there to properly treat her wounds in order for her to survive for at least another week.
"M wants you now."
Hanseul sighed, looking to you. "You try anything funny and we're going to drag you back here by your hair. I'll personally make sure you wished you were dead. You're coming with me."
You stared up at him, the glare you'd kept behind your eyes barely able to even singe him-he laughed, doubling over with his bloodied knife kept carefully out to the side to ensure he wouldn't cut himself.
"Ah-god I love that look." He moved towards you, his grin widening into something that sent a shiver down your spine. "I told you, every time I see that you get an X."
Taehyung nearly hit someone with the restaurant door as he burst inside. He apologized under his breath, his gaze finding Jungkook. He practically tackled the boy in his effort to reach him. Taehyung's attention had been completely and utterly focused on getting his ass to the restaurant that he hadn't even known that he had walked past your line of vision across the street.
"Where is she?" He had to shove his fists into his pockets to stop himself from shaking Jungkook's head off. Taehyung worked to drag his voice down from a shout, reining in his labored breathing and beating heart that threatened to kill him with its speedy throbs.
Jungkook nodded his head out the place's large windows to where you sat leaning against the wall across the street. You were looking down again after having noticed Taehyung, picking at the worn and coming-apart-at-the-seams shoes that had been leant to you in order for you to go out with Hanseul. You shivered into the jacket you wore-much too thin now to have any sort of tolerance to even the mildest of cold temperatures.
Taehyung had to resist every muscle in his body that screamed for him to run across the street and grab you now. He would have liked nothing more than to go out there and pull you into his arms after murdering the men that stood guarding you like the assholes that they were. Asshole wasn't even the right word for them, but Taehyung's vocabulary was currently limited to curse words. His eyes landed on the blood that you were wiping off your hand, dribbling from the cuff of your sleeve. They traveled up to the bruises that bloomed on visible skin and the yellow fading beneath your left eye. He didn't want to even look at the cuts and scrapes that littered the rest of your face. If he did he'd be more pissed than he already was and he wouldn't have been able to hear a damn word that Jungkook said to him past the blood rushing in his ears.
"She's so hurt." His voice was a hoarse whimper. "I want to go out there; I want to bring her back."
Jungkook watched his hyung with furrowed eyebrows and tightly pressed lips. "I know, I know. But we're no use to her if we're dead."
That was the unfortunate timing that Jimin had when he ran through the restaurant doors and towards the spot he saw Jungkook trying to comfort the other 95 liner. Before either of them noticed him his gaze went to where they were looking.
You were there, your eyes meeting briefly with the window the three of them stood behind. It felt like all oxygen left the room and went to you instead. Jimin felt it impossible to feel guiltier than he already was; it tugged at his hair and pulled him back into an abyss of anger, frustration, and sadness.
He'd promised you long ago that he'd be the one thing that would never hurt you. But making promises as children is always a stupid thing to do-and Jimin was very very stupid for letting you get away; for stabbing you with words; for doing absolutely nothing for you; for being the cause of you staring up at a window with a busted lip and a fading black eye.
"What do we do?" He whispered, alerting the other two men to his presence.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Taehyung snapped, his shoulders flattening out to make him look a whole lot bigger than he already was. Jimin didn't flinch, just looked up at the anger on his friend's face. He remembered a time that they used to be close, back when they used to sneak out of the dorm to go do stupid shit and end up getting caught anyways.
He'd ruined that too.
"I called him because we need all the help we can get if we want to see her back with us tonight." Jungkook tugged at the collar of Taehyung's jacket, pulling him away from Jimin-he'd noticed the white-knuckled fists that were slowly getting closer and closer to the shorter 95 liner.
Taehyung surprised everyone when he lost all of his anger in the blink of an eye with a short nod. "Fine." He immediately turned back to face you. "I don't care who the hell helps as long as she's back." He was practically touching the window in his attempt to get closer to you. "But he's not allowed to talk to her-or to touch her until she's healed. That is my one condition."
For the sake of peace, for the sake of you sitting out there staring at the quickly dwindling conversation from the two men beside you, he agreed. If only to have you back.
The plan that they'd concocted was probably the absolute stupidest thing they could have ever come up with-but they were on short notice and they needed you to be away from those men tonight. The risks weren't going to be low, especially when the men they had to get away from you had guns and they were-well idols who could barely even properly kick each other.
Jimin was immediately volunteered to call the police, since he couldn't be seen by the men-after all they had abducted you from his birthday party. If those men caught sight of him out there they'd immediately know something was up and would leave instantly. If you got away today, they all knew that the next time they saw you would be in a casket. However, since Taehyung hadn't really been taking good care of himself he looked almost nothing like the Tae that had attended Jimin's party-hell even his hair was dyed a different color. Plus, because of these recent changes there hadn't been many pictures taken of him and posted around social media. He was the best candidate for the job, and he'd wanted it more than anyone else in the room.
He wanted to be the closest one to you no matter what-which meant he'd volunteered for the stupidest part in this rescue mission: he got to talk to the men as a distraction for you to make a break for it.
They never said they were smart, nor did they ever say that they could come up with elaborate and intelligent plans on the spot. Namjoon wasn't there to help make the smart decisions, so they had to improvise on their own.
"This is so stupid." Jungkook whispered as Taehyung zipped up his coat.
Taehyung gave a weak smile, his eyes completely focused on you. "Yea-but even if they recognize me they probably can't kill me."
Taehyung let out a chuckle that did nothing to cover up the anxiety bubbling out of his throat. "I don't make promises. But they'd take a lot of heat if they killed a celeb right?"
"Okay, I know you're mad at me." Jimin whispered. "But I have zero confidence in that statement."
Taehyung didn't look at him but he broke his gaze away from you as he opened the restaurant door. "Well you're going to have to have some if you really care about Y/N." The door slammed behind him, the bell ringing with his exit.
"Excuse me." You recognized that voice; it stopped your heart for a second to hear it again. You'd thought you'd never hear his voice again, you'd thought you'd never see his face again or hear him tell you how utterly stupid you were. But, when you looked up he was there speaking like he'd always spoken. He didn't look at you, his conversation focused on Hanseul and his partner-M. "I apologize for the interruption, but I'm horribly lost. I really don't travel here much you know-could you tell me where the nearest bus station is?" Taehyung looked like shit, almost as much as you did. You noticed the thinness of his now gaunt cheeks, they way his wrists looked like they would snap if you pressed too hard.
You weren't surprised when Hanseul and M answered back with friendly smiles and tons of charm-they had to portray kind and perfect men if they were to remain under the radar from the police. It was easy to see how they effortlessly worked the system; after all, you were only a caught criminal if you always looked the part-or if you slipped up. Obviously they were currently neither, which was how he had taken you so easily and could walk around with you in public as if you weren't plastered on missing posters across the city.
Your gaze followed Taehyung's every move, knowing any instant he was probably going to ask you to do something that could get the both of you killed. For a second you contemplated just giving up, just staying where you were so Taehyung wouldn't get hurt.
But you knew if Hanseul kept you for even another week you would be dead. If you were dead you were sure Taehyung would be right behind you based on the look of him after six months of you gone missing.
Taehyung nodded to the men as they engaged in light conversation filled with laughter and meaningless fluff about the weather and place markers to turn at in order to get to a bus station. But you'd seen the quick flash of his eyes towards you-you knew it was time.
Now or never. Either way your current life was going to end here.
You took a look across the street, spotting Jungkook waiting in the shadows of a restaurants overhang. He too nodded to you.
Your palms greased themselves with sweat, your heart banging into your ribs in order to escape the fear that seeped into your brain and made you almost immobile.
You were on your feet in less than a second, full on sprinting across the street. Every step you took felt like a mile, every slam of your heel on the ground became a shock that broke your bones. You weren't used to running; you weren't used to any sort of movement. You were so weak-so tired.
It wasn't surprising when they saw you; you already knew that Hanseul wasn't stupid. You already knew that he wasn't letting you go without a fight. They both had guns; of course you weren't going to get far. It was a stupid thought to begin with. Your breath caught in your throat as your hands stretched to cross the distance to where Jungkook was waiting for you. He was there, he was so close. But for you it was still meters away, still too far to cross at any decent speed.
You were so god damned slow.
The gunshot rang in your ears, the smell of gunpowder burning your nostrils. You wanted to dry heave at the smell, copper and tin mingling with the scent. The gunshot was accompanied with a scream, a snarl and a thud.
Your knees hit the ground first, cracking with your landing. You threw your hands out in front of you to catch your fall, but instead your arms just crumpled and your face dug into the pavement anyways. You heard the high-pitched whine of sirens in the distance, getting progressively closer. You heard the sounds of running footsteps behind you and in front of you. You saw Jungkook's sneakers as a blur in front of you, stopping in front of your face.
He was pulling you up, lifting you by your arms with panicked and quick apologies for any pain he was causing you. He hoisted you up onto his back, forcing your weak arms around his neck. He held one of your legs and both of your wrists closed at his neck to keep you on his back at he ran the rest of the way towards the restaurant.
You buried your face in the back of his head as you gasped for breath, unable to even help him with keeping you upright on him.
"Kookie." Your voice was hoarse, thick tears rolling down your cheeks and onto his neck. You were creating a puddle that gathered at the collar of his shirt, a wet spot warming his lower back. "Kookie."
"I'm here. Y/N, we've got you."
All you felt was absolute agony of the metal inside you and the slow, leeching spread of your blood leaking through your jacket and forever staining the tatters of your dress.

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