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3rd person POV

Tania and Tyler walked over to the ice cream shop. Tyler was holding Tania tightly, hoping she would notice he just wanted to keep her safe and warm.

They went to the counter to order their ice cream and waited for a cashier to come.

"What can I get you folks?"said the employee who was almost running out of the back room.

"Um okay can I have that chocolate ice cream with the marshmallows." Tyler said with an excited expression.

"And for you ma'am,"asked the cashier to Tania who was looking to the floor not really paying attention to anything in particular.

Tyler poked her on the shoulder, "Oh yeah can I get the cake batter one please."

After they got their dessert and paid for it, Tania and Tyler went to sit at one of the tables right in the corner of the small shop.

"Hey Tani what's wrong you look a little spaced out."
Tyler has been calling Tania that and she has been calling Tyler "Ty."

"I'm sorry I am just a little tired that's all, how's the ice cream?"

"It is just grand. Oh hey, hey you wanna hear a joke."
Tyler said with a childish grin.

"Fine, go ahead."Tania said giggling knowing what is going to come next.

"How do astronauts eat their ice cream?"

"How, Ty?"

"In floats."

Tyler and Tania were both laughing at how dumb the joke was for a couple minutes and then they enjoyed their ice cream with nits of banter in between.

"You gotta admit that was clever huh, I thought it up myself."

"Oh yes, yes of course, you are so talented."Tania said with just a bit of sarcasm.


Tyler POV

After we got back from unsuccessfully searching for cheap apartments, Tania and I just sat on the floor just waiting for a call from the apartments we were looking at online earlier.

"It can't be much longer they said they will call us back in a few hours." I said to Tania hoping she wasn't getting too impatient, she just wanted to sleep.

"We can wait a bit longer, it'll be fine."Tania said really to herself trying to stop herself from falling asleep.

"Tani can you bring me water," I said with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, I have to get up anyway." Tania was tired but always willing to help others.

"Hey I was just thinking I have never asked you about your family, where are they?"

I was suprised by the question, I haven't really thought about them in a while, except my sister which is the only person in my family who wants to talk to me anymore.

"Um, well I have a sister and two brothers and my mom, dad, my grandparents who also lived with us. This may come to you as a suprise but my family is very wealthy." 

"Woah, really." Tania said genuinely shocked by those words.

"Yeah but I only talk to my sister she is the only one who is willing to talk to me anymore."

"I'm sorry, why don't they talk to you anymore then."

I really wanted to answer this truthfully but it is such a hard thing to talk about, even though I trust Tania with my whole life.

"Is it okay if we talk about that another time?"

"Yeah okay." Tania was a bit concerned as to why Tyler didn't tell her about it but if he felt uncomfortable or anything I wasn't going to force him to say anything.

I was not feeling the best after that so I just sat with my legs to my chest in the corner. Tania must've noticed because she came up to me and pointed down to her lap and I was sitting with my head in her lap and she was playing my hair for a while. That's how we spent the rest of the day, talking about lots of different things but nothing too thought provoking, it had been too much of a long day to think anymore.


I hope that was entertaining even just a bit. This was kind of a filler but next chapter will be more interesting. Thank you for reading

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