Shattered Glass: Chapter 1 *edited 9-17-12*

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Nikki’s POV

As I sat there in my last period class I stared at the faded crimson scar that lay on my wrist. It had been a month since I did it and I still couldn’t get over the fact that I had done it. I had heard rumors that it alleviated pain or that it was a rush, but to be honest it just made me feel like shit. You could say I was fucked up, but to be honest that might be a bit of an overstatement. I guess everyone has a story as to why they’re the way they are, but to be honest I don’t think my story is that interesting.

                I’m 17 years old and I live with my dad. No, he’s not an alcoholic, not a drug addict, and no he doesn’t molest me. He’s a very strange, but hardworking man. We are dirt poor and I had to get a part time job just to help put food on the table. You’re probably asking where my mother is. Well I’ll just be quite blunt with it. She died when I was around 12 years old. Breast Cancer had taken more than just her breast. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about her.

                I wouldn’t say that my life was perfect when my mother died, but things were a lot easier. We weren’t struggling as much, and I had more love. Daddy gave me as much love as he could give, but love from two parents can mean the world. After Mom died father tried to send me to counseling, to be honest it just made things a hell of a lot worse. Daddy was only able to afford a cheap therapist and you know what they say, you get what you pay for. Mrs. Golden was a complete wackjob and was late for almost all of my appointments. They wanted to put me on drugs, but I refused…damn was I stupid.

“Hey April!” Trina yelled excitedly. When I turned around perhaps the most beautiful creature graced the classroom with her presence. April was stunning; no she was drop dead gorgeous. Oh damn, I forgot to mention the fact that I’m a lesbian. Yeah, I love women always have and always will. I’m hated for it, isolated for it, but I don’t give a fuck.

“Hi Trina,” April giggled as she ran her fingers through her fiery red locks and smiled.

She was a goddess and made my heart beat faster than the speed of light. Beautiful ruby red hair and emerald eyes made her the most precious jewel. Perfect C cup breasts, a gorgeous waist, and long creamy legs with a tight plump rear made a playboy bunny jealous of her. Yeah April was beautiful, but that was the thing that mattered least to me. April was the only person in school who acknowledged my existence. Every time she saw me she said hi and every time some asshole decided to pick a fight with me she defended me. I had initially fallen for her inner beauty.

“Alright class settle down! Settle down!” Mr. Newmar yelled as the class filled the seats and turned their attention to the front. Mr. Newmar was the weirdest teacher in the whole school. He wore bowties, thick black framed glasses, and had full blown conversations with himself. Damn he was almost as fucked up as me.

“Okay first question you little noodles, does anyone know what is taking place at the end of the month?” Mr. Newmar quizzed and the class was dead silent. I didn’t even have a clue what was at the end of the month.

“Correct! Science fair is at the end of the month! And this year’s winner is going to get a very special prize!” Mr. Newmar exclaimed and the class was still silent. Everyone knew that the only people who won the science fair were the people in the Science Club. They stayed in the lab and lived and breathed Science.

“What’s the prize?” April requested.

“Thank you for asking that Ms. Kreggs!” Mr. Newmar yelled happily and people began to snicker.

“The prize is $10,000 scholarship!” Mr. Newmar announced and my eyes grew wide. I was a senior and with college application deadlines due I would need this scholarship. I knew as a child that College was never something that I would not be able to experience. I wasn’t the brightest girl and my family had always been poor. Financial aid wouldn’t even be enough to help my father and I pay for college.

“Wow!” April shouted. I rolled my eyes. Everyone in the school knew that April was sitting on a stack of money due to the fact that her father had owned so many businesses before he died. She would have absolutely no problem paying for college so for her to even be surprised at any amount of money pissed me off.

“But there is a catch!” Mr. Newmar confessed and everyone began to groan.

“You all have to participate and you have to work with a partner. I’ve chosen them for you! Voila!” Mr. Newmar laughed then flashed a set of names onto the board from his computer. Everyone quickly scanned the board and then their eyes turned to me. I wanted to ask what the fuck they were looking at until I read the board for myself. Mr. Newmar had paired me with April…

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