Shattered Glass: Chapter 5 *edited 9-25-12*

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Nikki’s POV

It was Friday. In my world Fridays usually meant working until 10 at night, coming home to eat leftovers, and then waking up early in the morning and working. I know you’re probably thinking that I work in a sweatshop, but I don’t. I actually work in the extremely healthy grocery store Whole Foods. I love working there to be honest, but then again I hate working there. I love working there because health means so much to me. After my mother died I actually started taking a lot better care of myself. Fruits and Vegetables were actually a part of my diet. The reason why I hate working at Whole Foods is because of all the uppity people who come here. The food is beyond overly priced. I mean a bag of potatoes will cost you about ten bucks. I bought a chocolate bar from there one time (It was dark chocolate) and the damn thing cost me three dollars! The label said it had antioxidants and all that stuff, but still.

The reason why I worked so hard was to help my dad. Like I said we were never the richest people and after mom died things got ten times worse. Any contribution I could make to the bills helped Dad and I out a lot. I guess you’re wondering why I’m so happy about this Friday. Well, April is coming over this afternoon and we’re working on our project. She might even spend the night. It’s not going to be like a Lesbian Sleepover porno though. I highly doubt that April is gay, and if she was she would probably be into those rocker chick lesbians. I see her as being in love with Joan Jett or Melissa Ethridge. I’m more of a plain Jane lesbian I guess you could say.

I can’t believe how this tiny event is affecting my day. I got up early, enjoyed a hot shower, took more than three minutes to get dressed, and I actually ate breakfast. I almost forgot how good burnt toast and half cooked eggs could taste. When I told Dad about April coming over he gave me a high five. Like I said my dad was really accepting of me. I remember back in 9th grade when I told him I had a crush on April. Yeah, I’ve had a crush on her since freshman year. He kept teasing me and saying that I might get a girlfriend. I think dad really wants to see me with someone even if it’s not in a romantic way. He knows that I have virtually no friends and he blames himself. He says he should have taken me on more play dates and says I had to grow up fast. Dad always blames himself.

Something that I haven’t been able to partake in forever is getting to school early. Usually I run into homeroom at the last second or I skip homeroom all together and just go to first period. It’s actually really relaxing to just wonder the hallways and think. When you’re constantly in solitude thinking is something you always get to partake in. Solitude means everything to me. As I walked through the hallways the only people that were here were teachers. I generally tried to avoid teachers because I was afraid of what they were going to say. They usually told me that I was a bright girl but needed to participate in class more. I just told them that I gathered information better without participating. I remember one time that I actually got in an argument with a teacher because they said that verbal participation was the most important thing and I disagreed. That teacher was such a bitch.

“Ms. Harrison! Ms. Harrison!” I heard a man yell from behind me. I always hated when people said my last name, for some reason it just made me feel uncomfortable. When I turned around I saw Mr. Newmar running up to me. Great…

“Ms. Harrison I just wanted to discuss something with you,” Mr. Newmar said through his heavy breaths. I guess he wasn’t used to much physical activity.

“And that is?” I questioned suspiciously as I watched him adjust his bowtie and cough.

“How do you like working with Ms. Kreggs?” He pried while raising one eyebrow. For some reason I felt like I was being interrogated and I hated it.

“She’s cool. I think we can create a really great project,” I answered honestly.

“Good! Good!” He exclaimed happily while clapping his hands. Damn this man was strange.

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