Shattered Glass: Chapter 4 *edited 9-25-12*

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Nikki’s POV

“I can’t believe all of the great books we found on Science projects,” April suddenly said as we strolled up the street.

 By the time April and I both met up at the library we had a good hour to search the library and find books. Most people think that someone as socially awkward as me would spend a lot of time in the library, they’re wrong. The last time I went to the library was a few months ago and that was because of a research paper I had to write. I spend so much time after school at my job that reading for leisure isn’t something I get to do.

“Yeah, I know you have any ideas on which one you want to do?” I asked her. The conversation between April and I was pretty casual. We didn’t have much to talk about really. She seems like the type of person who’s trying to hide a lot.

“No…” She answered distantly then reached in her purse and looked at her cellphone that was vibrating in her hand. She looked at it as if she were about to smash it into a million pieces with no remorse.

“Mothers can be such pain in the asses can’t they?” She questioned angrily then dropped her phone back in the bag carelessly.

“My mother is dead…” I admitted emotionlessly. Over the years I had learned how to cover up the pain that came from my mother’s death. It bothered me every single day but I wouldn’t let it show.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” April apologized as she touched my shoulder and then stared at the ground from embarrassment.

“No I’m fine. You learn how to put it aside after a while you know?” I assured her and shoved my hands in my pants pocket as we walked. Believe it or not it took me an hour to decide on an outfit. In the end I decided on an old grey hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans.

“Well I have a dead father,” She confessed and I turned to look her in the eyes. I guess I was shocked when she said it. Ever since I met April I always thought of her as this girl that had an awesome life. You know two loving parents, a nice house, and friends. I guess that was my ignorance.

“Sorry to hear that,” I apologized.

“It just sucks. People who haven’t lost a parent at a young age just don’t understand. I mean I know some kids don’t even know their parents but damn…it’s like one day they’re here and the next their gone. It really fucks with your head,” She complained and now my eyes grew wide. I didn’t even know cursing was even programmed into April’s vocabulary. There I go again with my damn ignorance…

“Yeah…it does really fuck with your head,” I agreed and she smiled at me a bit.

“So do you get along with him? You know your dad.” She questioned me and now a smile played across my face.

“He’s a weird man, but I love him just as much as I loved my mom. He’s also very accepting,” I laughed a bit as I thought about my father. My father wasn’t the most handsome or charming guy, but he was a really down to earth man with good intentions.

“Does he know about you?” She inquired and then looked at me as if she had said the wrong thing. I had no idea what she was talking about.

“Huh?” I asked dumfounded.

“Shit, I guess that wasn’t the best way to put it. I mean does he know about you liking girls and stuff? I mean I personally am fine with the whole gay thing. To be honest I think gay couples happier than straight couples. I mean girls know what girls like and guys know what guys like. It just fits you know?” April blabbered on and on nervously. You probably think I would be offended by what she just said, but I wasn’t. It was nice for someone to actually acknowledge the fact that I was gay. Everyone knew but dodged the subject or just avoided me all together because of it.

“He’s completely fine with it. He grew up in a very unaccepting home so it kind of taught him how to be more accepting. The only thing he doesn’t accept is ignorance,” I explained and she relaxed a little bit.

“That’s cool. If I ever came out to my mom as gay she would go insane. She grew up in the Deep South and it taught her not to accept anyone. The only people she likes are white republicans…my dad on the other hand was so accepting. It’s kind of complicated I know,” April laughed a bit and then glanced at me.

“You know I’ve always kind of admired you,” April disclosed randomly. I stopped dead in the street and looked right at her.

“No way,” I said in disbelief and she exploded with laughter.

“You just don’t care what others think. You do your own thing and don’t have to follow the crowd. After high school you’re gonna go on to do amazing things and I’m just gonna be all lost in the world. I mean I’ll still have the label as prom queen, homecoming queen, best hair, and all that shit but who really cares about those things? Society sure as hell doesn’t,” April ranted and I looked at her in shock.

“You’re a lot more than meets the eye,” I pointed out and she bowed.

“Thank you! Someone who actually sees past this exterior!” She yelled happily and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“You probably think I’m crazy don’t you? She assumed and I shook my head.

“No, I think you’re pretty cool. Especially because you can admit all those things to yourself like that. Most people in your situation keep lying to themselves, but not you. And I think because you can admit that to yourself that you’re going to go far in life,” I condemned her and she wrapped her arms around me and embraced me with the warmest hug. I know it may sound very lonely, but the only people who ever hugged me were my parents. I’m the type of person who is extremely sensitive to touch. So when April hugged me my whole body was on vibrate. Not in a sexual way, but in a comforting way. It felt amazing.

“I- I should probably be getting back home,” April mentioned as she let go of me and looked around.

“Y-yeah me too,” I stuttered nervously.

“I live at that house right there,” She pointed down the street and I saw a huge white mini mansion. I had never actually seen a mansion and real life, but this one was so gorgeous.

“I’ll walk you there. I live a few blocks away from here,” I explained as we continued walking.

“Alright,” She replied quietly. For the rest of the walk neither of us said something…but that’s all we needed to say.

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