First wanted to say the art isn't mine I just thought it was pretty and in a way fitted maybe. If you know the artist and can provide proof that it is their/your art, as I don't want to miscredit, send me a message or comment. Secondly the names, yes they have some weird ass names. Not gonna lie. Locken is pronounced Low-kin. Arin isn't too hard it's pronounced Erin or Air-in. So yea, enjoy this short piece I wrote a little while ago and hope to expand. BTW the link is to sorta kinda how I imagine the ring late on.
Locken sighed, pulling her hair up into a side ponytail. Just as her elder sister, Nekonome, always styled her hair. Though Locken always preferred to just leave her's down and pin up the bangs.
"Arin." She quietly called out in the desolate school hallways. It echoing and bouncing back to her ears. Most would find this eerie, unsettling. It just brought back some memories for the female, not all exactly pleasant but memories.
"Come on, I even dressed nicely. Or not interested because we're both ghosts now? " Her voice held an amused edge. One that was slightly joking as well, because in terms from where she came from this time she wouldn't be near classified as a ghost. It was hard to say if that applied here, as she wasn't dead technically.
The mask in her bag- a glass like one with a black, red, and green theme of roses with hints of blue and purple-was placed onto her face. It somehow warm compared to herself.
"Sorry if I'm mad because you disappeared for how many years? Oh yea, it was about thirty. Yet you look the same. " She smiled, knowing it was Arin who was tying it back. "Where'd ya even go anyway?... " He trailed off, looking away as he finished the bow tying it back. Ribbon as silky as he remembered.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, sorry for vanishing for so long though... Woulda been here sooner.. Tried to be... just wasn't able to. Death was such a fickle thing, as a cat. He was a good friend though, even if the only comfort he could give me was listening. "
There was a hum as hands pushed on her head, making her stumble forward. A sharp yank making her freeze. It felt like someone tore her hair out. When it fell down that let her concerns die off fully.
"You never looked good with your hair up you know. " It was a mutter of sorts. "Still aren't taking care of it to. Sit down and let me brush it since I bet you have trouble with it this long."
About to say something she was shushed. Nearly looking back at him she decided against it, sitting down with her legs crossed. Both of them sat in silence as he carefully brushed her hair out.
Once he finished he stood up and pulled her with. Locken was surprised by Arin doing this. With a spin, she was facing toward him.
"How do you look the same though.. Nothing changed except maybe those hints of purple in your hair. Still as pale as a stereotypical ghost and short as hell. " Her chin was pulled up, Arin was always taller. Standing at around 6'2 while she was only around 5'9 even still. Never grew an inch. "You kn... Who are you?" His tone went from fond to something like befuddlement in moments. Arin couldn't help that though. After all, those ashen black orbs he so dearly loved were gone replaced by ruby red ones. He wasn't even sure this was her anymore. Before he knew what he was doing he shoved her away. "No rather, why are you here? You're not the Locken I knew anymore. "
She took the liberty of taking extra steps back. Pulling the mask off and closing her eyes. Arm dropping with the object suspended by only one small ribbon.
"Arin, you're right about that. Hate to say it but yeah your right. I'm not her anymore. I'm someone else. And I have been ever since I hung Nekonome. " Grinning she looked back up at him. Except those clear orbs were now clouded, holding darker undertones.
Reflexively he took a step back. Self-preservation kicking in. those weren't the eyes of the mischievous pushover who couldn't harm a mouse (after all she killed a'many flies). Those were the eyes of a manic to him. Someone who would kill another without a second thought.
And he was right about that
She never gave it a second thought. Not anymore at least. At first, she was drowning in guilt over what she'd done- the family's she tore apart- even if it was a deserved death. Often that was the case too. Back then she hated the pointless killing others did, so she only killed those who had severely wronged in one way or another.
Now it didn't matter. If you got in the way no matter what or who you were might as well accept your death peacefully. To much struggle could make it extra painful after all.
"You know I came here to say bye to you Arin, even after all these years I thought we could maybe say a friendly goodbye. Seems I was wrong. No point anyway, you won't remember any of this when I finish. Nor will you have a friend from this point in time, or timeline as they put it. "
"What do you mean? No, t-that doesn't matter. " Arin took a deep breath to somewhat compose himself. This was crazy. Had to be a dream somehow. It had to be anything but reality. "Where did you go all this time?" She took a step forward him, him one back his continued for about five steps before that look was replaced by a hurt one.
"Somewhere you would never believe I went. A place where you kill or you die. A quote 'in this world it's kill or be killed' very much fit it. So I killed, even the girl who took me in. Not the adopted bugger, they became my kid along with my caretaker's brothers son. Who knew a brat would take both. " Laughing softly Locken thought fondly of it. It was when she realized that she went soft, something that should have never happened. More then that though she realized how foolish she was thinking that after everything that happened, all the sins she committed that she could have a normal life.
Arin froze completely. Just then he noticed a ring on her finger. One he didn't recognize. It sorta killed him.
"Bye bye. " Chuckling sweetly she turned around walking away without a single thought. Once her back turned her face went slack. It was hard not showing the emotions that flooded her to the other. By the time she got halfway down the hall she paused.
"Oh yeah! This is yours. " Slinging the mask backward she continued. Arin was only pulled out of his trance when it shattered against the floor. It was far too late then. After all he could never reach out at the right time. Though maybe....
"Locken! Wait, you at least owe me one answer!" He shouted down the hall. Echo if his voice growing quieter by the minute. "Where'd you get that ring!"
For a minute he thought that she already left, that it was too late. He felt stupid for trying. Or maybe it was the question he asked out of all of them that felt stupid. So when he got a reply, his heart fluttered in a way. Only to plummet into misery when it sunk in. Then the doors closed.
"That, well it was our engagement ring. Though it never lasted, I did love him but not in the right way. "
-January 3rd, 2019
First story for 2019!!

Random writings
FantasyMy collected writings, mostly finished chapters of works that will never be completed.