The war was raging, it had been since she was born. Since she was young she had always wanted to be a soldier. That desire had never faded as she aged.
So when she came of age she joined the army despite her parents protests not to, despite being told she would never make it because she was female. It was difficult being one of the only females who enlisted, and it only grew worse as most of her fellow females dropped out because of the sexism and constant degrading.
In the end it turned out to just be her and another girl named Madison.
Madison died during their first time on the battlefield. The official cause was a sword to the gut by an enemy, Lilac knew it likely wasn't an enemy though. So many of her fellow comrades hated the fact her and Madison got in, and she definitely wouldn't put it past them to do something like that.
She herself used to have to deal with things like that. Now they didn't dare try, she had to much influence and was to popular for them to get away with it. Not to mention the fact she was no longer expendable, something that she had worked hard to guarantee.
Now she stood in the middle of a deciding battle, fighting for the losing side. Her troops were being cut down and she couldn't stop it. Lilac had no control of the situation and it killed her. She knew that there was only one way out, fighting. Praying was useless, god didn't care what his playthings did. Standing around was a sure fire way to die.
So she fought until her armor stained red and her body ached, and even then she kept going. Everything blurred as time passed. It could have been days and she wouldn't have noticed.
Then the bells rung, signalling to retreat. Her blood boiled at the thought, it was repulsive and vile. How could they retreat? Even if it was a hopeless battle there was nothing to be earned by retreating. It was suicide either way, practically guaranteeing that the kingdom would fall.
As everyone fled, she kept her footing sure, and it was then she knew the truth. She knew that she would have to fight this battle herself, for all her fallen comrades and for those she loved.
As time kept passing though it became clear she would lose her head without aid of her talents. Though using those talents ment she would have to go alone, that she'd have to in the war by herself.
Lilac figured it would be a small price to pay. Deep inside she knew everyone was useless anyway, too consumed in their own bigotry to truly serve a purpose.
So she let herself go free and it only took moments for everyone to drop dead. Tears quietly fell from her eyes as she looked around the red stained field. To see that some of her own comrades had fallen dead from her decision.
Quickly she jammed lid on her emotions, there was no room for them anymore. There hadn't been for a long, long time.
And with one deep breath she gathered her strengthen and started walking toward enemy territory. A path of death showing her travels.
Lilac merely hoped this would be the last time she reeked of copper, though she knew it wouldn't be. It couldn't be if she truly avenged her comrades, because by doing this she was securing her own bloody death. Hopefully it was at least by her own hand.

Random writings
FantasyMy collected writings, mostly finished chapters of works that will never be completed.