Aya takes a deep breath, one foot hovering over the the edge. She could see the bottom, yes, but the fall would still kill her. At least that's what she hoped.
So jumping as she said what she hoped were her last words as tear few up her face.
"Sorry Rain. "
Looking up toward the sky two skeletal creatures floated above her. One clad in mere flowing black cloak that looked repped at the edges. Old, yet new in a way. The hood pulld up to hide the weares face msotly, except two glowing pinpricks. Eyes she guessed. Some sort of silver pendant that glimmering in the sunlight held it around their body.
The second one was clad in mostly white. A white shirt and jacket, both having blood in what seems to be a slighly curved diagnal line that ran along their whole torso, along with mostly black basketball shorts with a white stripe on both sides. White socks could be seen bunched above the creatures ankles, the rest hidden in bloody white slippers. What stood out compared to the rest of the outfit was the cape like scarf, a deep red one. It was alluring even if the edges were tattered in the same fashion the others cloak was in. Looking at there face something like a glitch hovered over half of it, obsuring most of their face. Still one white glowing eye of some sort stared down at her. In a piting mannor.
And it was this, that she saw for a moment that streached on forever, that the urge to live hit her. Her mind howling, 'Reach out, don't die' as everything hit her. Both the fact she was plumiting to her death and that she didn't want to die. It was far to soon.
So her hand shot up trying to grab one of pair.
And se does, just barely. Holding the one wearing white's ankle.
Both seemed somewhat shocked. She hasn't a clue why as she hangs on for dear life. Face damp with tears.
The one she holds onto reaches down, holding out a hand. Without a thought she takes their hand, his acctully.
"How?" Asks the other. "How can you see us, how can touch us?" It was visious, she felt unsafe. Holding tighter onto the others hand as he pulls her up into his arms.
Their statement makes fear flood through Aya, yet also makes her confused. What do they mean by that,. Is she not supposed to?
"Reaper" starts the other. She can't help but think, 'Ah, so his name is Reaper. Like a grim reaper or... something different? Still... he's dangerous.'
She didn't know why she thought that from mearly hearing his- she assumed the gender by name- 'name' and one statement. Almost like judging a book from it's cover.
"stop. " He was calm, dispite knowing one simple action by the other could kill not only the human he held, but him himself. "I know this girl Reaper... she... you know how sometimes timelines glitch, like me? Well, she was in the timeline before I turned into this, saved Pap. "
This is all she heard before everything blanked out, stopped, before going thousands of miles.
The two proceeded to get into an argument that flew over her head.
Until it litterly flew over her head. And her saviors.
The wind deafening, her snapping to attention as both plummeted. She, she felt sickened. How could they do that, maybe to her it was understandable, but to whomever this person who apperently knew her was. NO, that wasnt acceptable.
And she couldn't even see the look of betrayal and hurt on the others face. Nor the blueish tears that lined his eye.
Even as the other reached out to grab his friend, even as he missed, that hallow feeling never left the other. Nor did the hate leave Aya.

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FantasyMy collected writings, mostly finished chapters of works that will never be completed.