Love really does SUCK?!?! one direction fanfic !

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Love really does SUCK ! One direction fan fic. Love. It's a four letter word that's over used, underestimated, and has the power to change a person's life. Some would say it's a curse. Others would say it's a blessing. Love has many definitions. The only one that matters is yours. Jasmine Loure has had many different definitions of love. From the traditional dictionary version to the extreme anger and hatred towards the strong passion, but what made her hate this feeling so much? Jasmine has been living with her best friends for two years now. These five boys made her realize how special love really is. She encounters brotherly love, crush love, lust, best friend love,and most importantly true love. Read this story to find out how this girl came to hate the feeling love, and how she got over that with the help of her favorite guy friends in the world.


"IM TIRED OF THIS CRAP, DAVID !!! YOU'RE JUST LIKE MY FATHER !" I yelled at my drunken boyfriend, David Crowell. It was becoming routine. He would come home wasted then take his anger from not having a job out on me. LIke it was my fault he was a lazy ass that didn't know anything ! "I AM NOTHING LIKE THAT MAN! YOU TAKE THAT BACK! YOU SLUT!" he slurred. After he said this I felt the pain rise up on my cheeks from where his hand collided with my face. "THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU! WE ARE OVER! GO FIND YOURSELF ANOTHER GIRL THAT YOU CAN TREAT LIKE A SLAVE!" I screamed. In the back of my mind i thought the neighbors were going to call the cops again, but I didn't care. Let them. I'm not going to get arrested for breaking up with my stupid boyfriend. "YOU CAN'T BREAK UP WITH ME BECAUSE I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!" he said as he walked out of the house and slammed the door behind him. I was realived when he left. I felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt free, something i haven't felt in a really long time. "He's gone." i said to no one in particular. I then started to laugh. I started laughing histerically. Then i burst into tears of joy and ran around my house laughing. I did the first thing that came to my mind after I had settled down. I called my best friend in the whole entire world, Louis Tomlinson. That boy and I go way back, First grade to be exact. Unlike now where I had just graduated high school. I miss the old days sometimes where there wasn't a care in the world. It was just Louis and me. No one else mattered. Now, I know what you're thinking. Did you have feelings for Louis? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I despised the feeling of love when i was little. My parents were right in the middle of getting a divorce and- "Hello?" my thoughts were interuptted by my favorite voice in the whole world. "LOUISSSSS! I MISS YOU! WHEN CAN I SEE YOU?" i screamed into the phone! "When you break up with that stupid boyfriend of yours." yes, it's true Louis despised my boyfriend ever since he said he couldn't come over to America to see me like he always does. He actually said I could never talk to him again, but I couldn't just stop talking to him! So when David was away i would call Lou and text him all day. "Well, IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY BECAUSE I JUST DID!" Louis cheered for what seemed to be like forever when I finally heard voices on the other end of the line. "Is that Jasmine?" "Why are you cherring Lou?" "IF THAT'S JASMINE LET ME TALK TO HER!" "LOUIS GIVE ME THE PHONE I WANNA TALK TO HER!" I heard a bunch of wrestling when my second favorite voice interupted my eavsdropping, "Hello?" the husky voice on the other side of the line always sent chills up my spine. "Hello Harry." I felt like he could just tell that i liked him from the way i said that. I mentally face palmed myself. "When am i gonna see my favorite model? I miss you!" yes, i'm a professional model. Forgot to add that in there. "I'm on a 3 month vacation so i was wondering if you wanted to see me.. i don't know, like tomorrow?" I heard five simoultaneous yes's and realized he had me on speaker phone. "We would love to come have our favorite American Model come visit us! We have all missed you. Especially Louis and Harry, they will not shut up about you!" I felt the heat rise up in my cheeks and looked down to the floor. Harry missed me? Obviously Louis missed me, i was his best friend, but Harry? I'm not good enough for him. He has perfect everything where as i am just, well, me. I've got long blonde hair that goes to my hip bones, which by the way will be a surprise for the boys because the last time they saw me i had hair just passed my shoulder. I haven't seen them in like a year and a half. My eye lashes are extremly long, and I have bright baby blue eyes. I have a tan complexion, but not too tan. My teeth are straight, but nothing extraoridnary about them. I am 5'7 and I have some curves, but not as much as I would like. "Hello? Jasmine? Are you there?" i was interupted yet again by the sound of the beautiful voice. "Yes, yes. I'm here. What did you say again?" He explained what time i should board the plane since apperently he bought the tickets when i wasn't paying attention, sneaky boy. He told me i was staying for the whole 3 months because they wanted to milk the time they had to see me, and he also said to pack summer clothes because it is actually hot down there. I hung up the phone after all this and saying hi's and goodbye's to all the boys and began to pack my stuff.

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