🎉new years kiss🎉

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hiya! my first one shot book. wanted to do this for awhile-
lowercase IS intended.
there's gonna be a lot of romelle. because i miss my bby. and also she's just so adorable??

enjoy the story!
ship(s): klance(main one), romellura
tw's: swearing.. and some kissing .3.
word count: 1476 words

keith sat on allura's beaten up, old couch with a plastic cup in his hand. a blue one, to be exact. it had some type of alcohol in it, he didn't know. allura had given it to him in attempts to make keith less worried about being a lonely soul.

he sighed as he glanced around, seeing everyone have someone to talk to, someone to love, someone to have their new years kiss. he chuckled, knowing he wouldn't ever get the satisfaction of a new years kiss. the raven haired boy could only dream.

lance, on the other hand, was flirting profusely with allura, romelle, and nyma, having the time of his life. there were a few other girls among the four of them, but lance chose those three girls to stick with. of course, the three giggled and shook off lances useless flirting. they were used to it.

"so, lonce, are you gonna have a new years kiss?" allura intervened, romelle sitting in her lap. romelle giggled.

"of course not, he's gonna be frantically running around trying to find a girl to kiss. there's too many for him to choose from! it's like a lost puppy-"

at that, lance cut off romelle with an overdramatized gasp, but he blushed softly. that was partially true.

keith watched from a distance, longing for some interaction. so that's just what he did. he got up and made his way to lance, romelle, and allura. nyma had left, as she felt out of place. she probably wandered off to rolo and his friends.

"hey lover boy, sorry if i'm interrupting anything. but the balls boutta drop in 5 minutes and i bet your sorry ass you don't have a kiss-" keith started, not realizing how rude he sounded till he started. he shut himself up and sipped his drink.

"at least i've got a better chance than you, mullet." lance muttered, rolling his eyes. keith sighed at that.

romelle poked keith's elbow, resulting in him leaning down to her level. she whispered something in his ear and his eyes widened as big as saucers, his face going red as a tomato. thank god it was dark in there, no one could see his blush.

"no. no way. nope. no." the boy said quickly, standing up to his full height.

"what did she say?" lance inquired. the blue eyed boy stepped closer to keith, now quite curious. he raised an eyebrow.

"uhm- uh- nothing. she said nothing important-"

"oh come on keith! it'd be a sight to see! i'm willing to give up my own new years kiss to see this." romelle said with a sly smirk. keith shook his head.

"really though, what'd she say?" lance asked again.  keith sighed.

"shesaidtokissyou-" he mumbled incredibly fast, and extremely quiet whilst looking at his feet. keith wasn't expecting anyone to hear. but lance had. lance had heard it, so very clear. he was used to things being mumbled quietly and quickly. he lived with a ton of siblings, and damn, do they mutter things a lot.

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