💞'achoo!- oops.'💞

170 2 0

ddddraft again :)

ship(s): romellura uwu
tw's: siCknEsS? is that a trigger?
word count:

romelle and allura were on a walk. a nice one, in the park.

romelle sniffled. she held back a sneeze, a clammy hand holding one of allura's. allura looked at her.

"you good babe?" allura asked. romelle nodded, plastering a smile on her face.


"you don't look okay." allura cut her off, stopping their walk and turning to face romelle. she crossed her arms. "i'm pretty sure your sick, or allergic to something."

romelle sighed. she sneezed. "alright- i guess you got me.. i didn't wanna ruin our walk-"

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