☀️childhood friendos☀️

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most of this is in keiths POV btw :3

ship(s): klance
tw's: none that i can think of! :)
word count: 760

hi this was for an exchange thingy on instagram :}

date: june 13, 2012 7:30 P.M.

lance mcclain, aged 14, outgoing. and keith. also aged 14, but kept to himself. the best of friends since forever. they both sat together on lances roof, watching the sunset.

lance had been wearing a blue tank top that said the word 'sharpshooter' in a darker blue and grey shorts. keith was wearing a red pocket t-shirt with a hippo on the pocket, and jean capris.

the raven haired boy often caught himself staring at lance in the golden sunlight. the way his features looked in the light, so perfectly sculpted and placed on his face. it was like his face was made by someone, hand crafted until it was perfect. keith quickly shook the thoughts from his head. it's just me being his supportive friend, right? i can't like him. i'm a boy, he's a boy. we're just friends, and i'm just getting tired and my thoughts are hazy.
he sighed as he leaned back, watching the last of the sun dip into the horizon.

date: december 23, 2013 5:00 P.M.

lance and keith had been out in the town, buying last minute christmas gifts for their family. they had somehow forgotten about them, i wouldn't know how.

keith liked the way lance looked with the fresh snow in his chocolate-y hair. he liked the way lance would giggle every time snow landed on his cute little nose. wait, cute? why did i just call lances nose cute? and why do i keep saying i like these things about him? i'm not gay. i'm just being a supportive friend.

as they entered the next shop, keith kept denying his thoughts.

date: october 31, 2014 8:00 P.M.

lance and keith did matching halloween costumes that year. they'd been planning to do it for years, but something always popped up, or one of them couldn't get the costume in time. but this year, they made it work.

lance was salt, keith was pepper. very basic, but it was something. they even decided to do face paint.

keith was painting small white dots across lances cheeks. up close, he saw just how many freckles lance had. they reminded him of constellations. he wanted to count them all and see how many there were. not that he found them cute or anything. did he?

after some convincing, lance painted tiny black dots across keiths face, to resemble pepper of course. his skin was unbelievably smooth. lance wondered what it would be like to wake up in the morning and see keiths cheeks creased with pillow marks from sleeping. wait. did he just think that? yeah, he liked boys. but keith was his best friend! could he love him? would it ruin their friendship?

date: may 31st, 2015 6:00 P.M

keith and lance had done it, they had made it through yet another year of school. on the last day of junior year, they decided to go celebrate. because dang, that year was definitely a wild ride.

they ended up going out for ice cream. a cliche choice to say the least.

keith got neapolitan ice cream. it was his favorite. lance got basic vanilla, but he also got sprinkles and a cherry on top.

over the past few months, keith started to actually accept his feelings for lance. but he never said anything, as to not ruin the friendship.

well, same thing goes for lance. how coincidental.

and as they were eating the ice cream, keith just couldn't handle it anymore. he had to say something.

he started fiddling. getting nervous. finally, he looked up at lance. "hey lance, i, uh, i don't wanna make our friendship awkward or anything.. but i kinda have feelings for you? like, i think that your freckles are cute and you're really nice and all that and i don't know how else to describe it other than that i'm in love with you?"

keith had done it. now he just had to sit in anticipation.

lance, to say the least, was shocked. he searched his brain for words to say. but he just couldn't think of any. he was at a loss for words. so he just nodded. "i'm- um- yeah. me too." he said quite very awkwardly.

in the end, they decided on just going for a walk in the park to talk out the feelings. and long story short, they ended up dating.

end. :)

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