Chapter 8: Vivid Dreams

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     Tossing and turning, I woke up in my cold drenched sweat. Shivering from the dream I've had, he just kept appearing in my dreams. My dreams were flamboyant. I don't want to tell anyone about these dreams that I had these past few days. People won't believe me. Getting dressed in a blue flowery dress above my knees, I thought about Sierra. I wanted to get to know her more. Sierra was the only person that hung out with me. We were just like blood sisters.

Going downstairs, surprisingly I see no one. I'm guessing dad is finally at work. Well, let me tell you all about him. He is secretive like me. He is a CEO at a company I don't know about. Since I don't go to school today, I'm going to be watching a movie. First, I am going to the store to buy some popcorn and some hot chicken buffalo strips.

*At the store*

Grabbing the things I wanted, I waited patiently after this other person to pay for my items. After paying the cashier, I went on a shortcut to home. On the way there, I heard some catcalls. Those three big guys with dreadlocks, that looked very similar to each other, were coming after me chasing me. I ran and ran until I was home. Looking behind me, no one was there. It's very weird because I felt some sort of presence behind me. Unlocking the door with my keys that my dad got me, he greeted me.

*In the room*

Now that I am in my room, I am going to go to sleep soon. I am not that hungry either. Getting dressed into my pajama set, I went into my bed and fell asleep.

*In dreamland part 2*

In the middle of the forest where I just escaped from, I saw the brown wolf with the whitetail, his glowing red with blazing sharp teeth. Him growling at me, he started to chase me. I screamed and screamed until a big black wolf with the same red glowing eyes and sharp teeth I have seen in front of me. But why is he doing that? Why is he trying to protect me? They started growling and baring their teeth at each other. Still fighting, blood coming from each of them, I head a howl but it wasn't the black wolfs howl. It was the brown wolfs howl, meaning he died.

Hearing bones crack and pop into place, looking over to the black wolf, it wasn't him. It was me. I kept on screaming, the black wolf coming by my side trying to soothe me, I suddenly stopped. Water appearing out of nowhere, I have seen that I was a midnight purple wolf with red glowing eyes. Looking back at the black wolf with the red glowing eyes and sharp teeth, he looked like he was smiling, but I couldn't really tell because it was a wolf-like a grin.

*Dream ending*

Waking up, my dream felt so strange. No, I couldn't be really a monster. What am I? That midnight purple wolf with red eyes wasn't me right? No, no it couldn't be me. I am just going to sleep this off and in the morning I will forget about this dream. I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep without entering dreamland.

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