Welcome To Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!

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The car engine roared to life as you turned the key. You pressed your foot on the gas, and drove out of the parking lot. You had just finished shopping at Wal-Mart. You had gotten what you always got. Ramen and cereal. The quick dinner. You turned onto the highway, and began the journey back to your apartment. Along the way, you made sure that you didn't need to fill up the tank. You didn't, so you didn't stop at the gas station. After about 10 minutes of driving, you made it to the turnoff. You took the turnoff, and turned right. Soon, your apartment building came into sight. You turned into the parking lot, and turned off your car. 

You sighed, then stepped out of the car. You popped open the trunk, and quickly grabbed the two bags of groceries. You closed the trunk, and walked into the building. You decided to take the stairs up to the second level. Once you had gotten to the second level, you walked up to your room. You set down your bags, and pulled out your keys to unlock the door. Once the door was open, you stepped inside and turned on the light. You shut the door behind you before throwing the bags on the table. You'd put them away later. You walked into the messy living room, and sighed. You really needed a job. 

You picked up your laptop off of the end table, and sat down on the small couch. You opened it up, and opened up the browser. You flicked through the news until one of the articles caught your eye. Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is reopening it's doors with a new... That piqued your interest, so you clicked on the link and read the article. Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is reopening it's doors with a new location. The location is expected to have a Grand Opening within the next few days. The location is looking for new workers to apply for many areas of work, such as a night guard, day guard, cook, waiter, and many others. The CEO has sent out a phone number for applicants to call to. 1-888-FAZ-FAZBEAR.  You stared at the phone number for a second, thinking. You could apply for the day guard. 

You pulled your phone out of your pocket, and dialed the number. You held the phone up to your ear and waited. 

" Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, what can we do for you?" Someone asked on the other side of the phone.

 " Yes hello, um, I would like to apply for the... uh... day guard? My name is (Y/N)..." You trailed off awkwardly. You heard a grunt on the other side of the phone. 

" Yes! Excellent! I only have one question: Have you worked at any of the previous locations?" You raised an eyebrow at the weird question.

 " No..." You answered. " Why would that matter?" The person didn't reply until a few seconds later. 

" Alright! I have you written down for a face-to-face interview. Does 4:30 sound alright?" The person asked

You checked your watch: 3:43

" Yeah, that'll work." You replied. The person on the other side of the phone said something to someone else, then spoke to you once more. 

" Thank you for your time. And... Welcome to the family." With that,  they hung up. You stared blankly at the wall in front of you for a few seconds, before jumping up and doing a little victory dance. You had gotten the job! Well, not entirely, but you were pretty confident that you could score the interview. 

You had about 45 minutes to wait, and you didn't know what to do to pass the time. After a few minutes of pacing excitedly throughout the room, you realized that you didn't even know where the place was. You opened your laptop back up, and clicked on the same article. You scrolled down to the place to where the phone number was mentioned, and began to read more of the article. People however believe that the company will not be able to overcome it's dark past. Incidents like the " Bite of 83'  "  and the multiple murders that occurred at the past establishments are what keeps people skeptical about bringing their child there. Even through all of that,  the company is still opening the new Freddy Fazbear's Pizza at 455 Hansen avenue.    ( Made up street name" Perfect!" you yelled out. You closed down your laptop and put it beside you. 

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