" The Funhouse Of Death "

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Of course, it was just your luck to get something like this. First day on the job, and you have to get up at 6 am? Could've been worse though. You yawned over your bowl of cereal and checked the time on your watch. It was about 6:15. You had to be at the pizzeria by 6:30. You quickly threw on the Day Guard Uniform that you had received yesterday, and walked back into the kitchen. You took the last few bites of cereal and tossed the bowl into the sink. You then grabbed your car keys off of the counter, and walked out the door whistling a tune to yourself. You stepped into your car, and started the engine. You put in the address on your phone, and drove to the Pizzeria. 

The drive was about 10 minutes long, and a bit boring. By the time you had arrived at the Pizzeria, several cars were already parked in the parking lot. There was a purple car, a black SUV, and a large Van with " The New And Improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" imprinted on the side. You parked next to the purple car, and stepped into the building. 

You were immediately overcome with the smell of pizza and grease. The smell was almost nauseating, making you want to step back outside. You resisted, and walked into the main party room. You heard voices coming from the kitchen, so you followed them. When you walked inside, you saw Mike, Scott, and three unfamiliar other people. The one who seemed to be the oldest, greeted you.

 " (Y/n)! You're finally here!" He exclaimed. You looked at your watch. 6:28.

" Actually, I'm early." You stated, showing him the time. The man waved his hands in the air.

 " Close enough. Now, I am Mr. Afton. The founder of this great establishment." Mr. Afton turned around.

 " This is Scott, whom I assume you already know, Mike, Vincent, and Jeremy. These are all your fellow day guards who you will work with today." You watched the man named Vincent closely, something about him seemed strange. 

Mr. Afton walked over to the kitchen door, and looked at the group. " Alright, so now we will figure out who is going where. Let me see here..." Mr. Afton pulled out a crumpled up paper from his pocket, and read it for a second, calling off the names.

 " Scott, you've got the Prize Corner and Game Area with Vincent. Mike... You'll be over by the main stage with... (Y/N). And Finally, Jeremy will be in Kid's Cove. The restaurant will open at 7:00! Get to your places!" Mr. Afton left the kitchen to go to his office, leaving everyone else to file out of the room. 

You walked over to the main show stage, and looked at the closed curtains. " Hey Mike?" You called out. Mike looked over at you from just outside of the kitchen.

 " Yeah?" He asked, walking over to you.

 You pointed to the curtain. " Shouldn't we, y'know, open up the curtain?" Mike shrugged. 

" Hell if I know." You heard the door to the Manager's office open behind you. You turned around, and saw Mr. Afton walk out of the office. 

He saw you and Mike standing next to each other. " Could one of you open up that curtain and turn on the animatronics?" He asked. You nudged Mike in the chest.

 " You're the expert." You muttered. Mike rolled his eyes, and went backstage. A few seconds later, the curtains rolled back, revealing some very shiny animatronics. The lights came on, and the animatronics powered on. The one in the middle, which you had learned was Freddy, began to speak.

 " Hey kids!" He said in a very cheery voice. " I'm Freddy Fazbear, and this is Chica the Chicken. Say Hi!" Chica waved at the imaginary audience. Freddy continued. " And this is Bonnie the Bunny! Say Hi!" 

" Creepy stuff, huh?' Mike's voice came from behind you. You jumped for a second, then turned around. " I guess it's what the kids like. Even if it means very... interestingly shaped characters." You said, pointing to the Chica animatronic. 

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