Nothing Is As It Seems

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You tried to back up, only to realize that Vincent was behind you. " I'm waiting, (Y/N). " Afton said, growing increasingly impatient. You looked down, seeing that you had no choice. " Last night... We performed an experiment. It didn't go right and Payne ended up making it into the office. Then, it was like something snapped inside of him, and he attacked the other animatronic. You know what happened next, I'm sure. " Afton sstayed put for a few seconds, before he put the revolver back into its holster. " Interesting. " He said, turning around and walking away. That was close, You thought. Too close. 

Vincent nudged you from behind. You turned around, and looked at him. " I... wanted to thank you. Y'know, for what you did last night. You, Mike, and Scott. " He said sheepishly. You shrugged, realizing that he didn't know why  he was forced to be there. You decided that that information was best kept between you, Mike, and Scott. "Uh, yeah. Thanks for holding me still while my boss threatened me. " You retorted. Vincent let out an awkward chuckled, scratching the back of his  neck nervously. He was about to respond when Afton broke into your conversation. " Vincent! I need you over here!" He called from his office. 

Vincent sighed and walked towards Afton's office, leaving you alone to your thoughts. Vincent walked into the office, closing the door and locking it behind him. Afton looked very stressed, twiddling his thumbs, tapping his feet on the floor, looking around the room. Vincent sat down in front of him. " What do you ne-" " I need you to kill (Y/N). " Afton interrupted. " He knows too much about our little operation here. If he calls the police, its all over. Our years of careful planning. " Vincent seemed very surprised by Afton's outburst. It wasn't like him to loose his cool. " Couldn't you have done that when you had gun in his stomach? I don't see why you need me to do it. " Vincent said, a little bit puzzled. Afton looked at Vincent, before taking his gun out of his pocket and putting it in one of the drawers on his desk. " I was bluffing. The janitors, the cooks, they're all here. " Afton started fiddling with his thumbs again.

Vincent shook his head slowly, taking it all in. " I... No. I'm not going to do it. " He said, mirroring you from a few minutes earlier. Afton might as well've exploded; it wouldn't have been much different. He jumped up from his chair, tossing it back. He threw his chair against the wall, and turned back to Vincent, his face red. " What did you just say to me?!" He yelled, furious. Vincent knew that Afton had anger problems, and he knew now that he was in trouble. " I, uh, I've rethought my decision. I'll do it. " Vincent hesitated, staring at Afton. Afton, upon hearing those words, calmed down immediately. " Good. I'm glad you saw reason. " He said, grabbing his chair. " Now go. I have matters to attend to. " Vincent grumbled as he walked out of the door. 

You overheard what had happened in the office. You were sure that everyone in the entire building heard it. You needed to think. You looked outside at your car, thinking. Well, if you've already got Vincent trying to kill you, you might as well make it harder for him. You walked out the doors, and got into your car. You sat in the heat for a few minutes, thinking about where to go. A destiniation came to mind, and you put the car into gear. 


" I'm here to see Scott. " You told the clerk behind the counter. " Do you have a last name?" She asked, looking kindly at you.  You thought for a moment. You didn't really know Scott's last name. " It's, uh, Cawthon I believe. " You said after a short silence. The clerk typed furiously at her computer for a few seconds. " I'll get right to you. He's very weak, though, so don't expect to have that long of a conversation. " You nodded, and sat down in one of the chairs. It took a few mintues, but you were eventually called back. You were led to a small room with the number '13' on the door. You opened it up,  and stepped inside. 

" Mike?" You asked, surprised to see your friend sitting at the side of the bed. It looked like he had fallen alseep, leaning over the bed. Mike stumlbed up, startled. " I didn't-wha? Oh. Hey (Y/N)" He said, rubbing his eyes. You knelt down next to Scott's bed, where Scott himself woke up. He opened up his eyes, and looked over at you. " How are you feeling? " You asked. " Like shit. " Scott chuckled. It was weird, hearing his voice as it actually was instead of sounding like he was speaking through a phone the entire time. " Yeah, well, feeling like shit is better than being six feet under. I thought you were fucked. " Mike spoke up.

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