LGBT+ Tag?

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Edit: Updated on 1.26.2020

It's been awhile. Time for another tag that I found from AmazingDaniel_. I wasn't tagged or anything, I just felt like doing something on here again.

 I wasn't tagged or anything, I just felt like doing something on here again

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1. Name?

2. Pronouns?

3. Age?
You don't need to know that.

4. Sexuality?

5/6. Gender identity/expression?
I combined these cuz uhh I don't really know the difference. Sorry. But I'm female.

7. Out of the closet?
To a few people. For all others— surprise, I guess. I'm out of the closet to a majority of my friends, though I still haven't told some of them. I recently came out to my mother, but I'm not telling my dad because he's homophobic

8. What do you want to say to people about your sexuality/gender identity/gender expression?
I don't really have a lot to say. Just respect people for who they are, I guess. It's not really that big of a deal.

Tag 10 People!

If you guys want to do this tag, go ahead! I'm not tagging people, since some people don't like talking about this, or maybe don't want to. I don't want to put people on the spot, and I don't want to put anyone that isn't ready.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

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