another long title, its fun to just write stuff here and use the full word limit

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I was tagged by Septicbro1005

I was tagged by Septicbro1005

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1. Tag the person who tagged you

jokes on you i already did

2. What's your zodiac?

My sun sign is Capricorn

3. Favorite game?

Uhhh good question, it varies, but right now I'd probably have to say The Sims 4 tbh.

4. Favorite song/artist

Uh I literally have no idea. I love the SIX soundtrack, though. I guess my favorite song is Don't Lose Ur Head. I don't really have a favorite artist though.

5. Say something to your fans/followers!

I have no idea why any of you are following me because I do like basically nothing on my account, but I'm grateful to all of you anyway! Please stay safe and wear a mask if you go into public because a lot of people are being stupid and not wearing masks and spreading COVID and we don't want that.

6. Favorite movie/show?

Okay so my favorite movie to watch is The Hunger Games but my favorite movie idea is different because I absolutely love the concept of The Truman Show. Obviously that's not something we should do in real life, but the whole idea for it is so creative and well thought-out. And my favorite show right now is Yuri!!! On Ice which I started watching yesterday and it's so so good and the intro sounds so good and the animation for it is gorgeous and I was texting yourcasualpotato__ updates and comments the whole time and ahhh you have to watch it!!!

7. Either say a "Did you know" fact or a joke

Did you know that squids are completely made of ink??
(-Violet_Fandom- )

8. Tag 20 people

nah dude i'm so lazy 20 is like a pretty big number i'm not doing that, besides the whole squad's been tagged already so what even is the point??? anyone can do this if they want tho

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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