shocking news

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Bella POV ~

They came , they came for me .  Why didn't Edward listen to me ? Now we all are in danger . I came to forks to keep my identity , to leave the Bella who won the 25 th anual hunger games along with my alley Peeta, , that Bella who was strong , that Bella because of who Rue died , that bella who killed people to save herself .

After the 75 th anual hunger games , all the victors wanted to run away , so we all enemy victors and the friend victors decided to run , we all decided to settle in different parts of the world away from the capitol , away from our homes , the districts .

Finnick Odair and  Annie Cresta. . They went of to live in Thailand . Peeta Mellark , my alley , even from same district , 12 , with his girlfriend , who is also a victor and not mention quite psychic , Johanna,  went off to Switzerland,   Beete and Wires to California.  Well these were the friend victors , the enemies victors , Cashmeir and Gloss went to Russia,  Enobia and Brutus to Queensland, the morphlings sibling to Peru . And the last me I came to forks because it reminded me of  my home . I was not able to bring my family  'cause it will cause attention to the capitol outside , my family told . Everything was set up , I had convinced Charlie Swan that I am his long lost daughter , who actually had been missing after hiking in woods amd practically dead . My real name is Isabella Katniss Everdeen . Before going to start our new life we left our old selves behind . I am good at archery , hiking , climbing, running , swimming,  sword fighting and the most of all , surviving .  Me and Peeta my ally , had a bloody fight with the opponent in the arena when we were there , he was good , but pity he died .

Today they will take me , for the  76 th anual hunger games ,I don't know how they found me , did they find the other victors too ? I hope not We had removed every tracking device from our bodies and now I  rememberd , how can I forget?  They even had injected it in our BODY!  because of me we all are in trouble ! I can never never ever forgive myself , I don't even think ,no, dream they all will forgive me , never . I glance at Edward who was seeing me , confusion written on his face , infact in all  the faces of cullens . I can't bear to look at his face . Even being a vampire . He will not be able to save me from them .

Caesar came on the stage . That bastard , if I had known that all the funny , kind , understanding face of his was for publicity , I would have , muderd him then and there.

"Hello ! Hello! How nice to meet you all ! I am Caesar Flickermen  ! Nobody well knowns me here except for one girl here(obviously me )  "He said . Murmurs began .
"Ofcourse you wouldn't know who that girl is! But before I tell you who she is , lets tell you all something . We are not from here . We are a secret society , we are categorised into , The capitol,and the districts,  The capitol you can say is like the heart of Panem our country which no one knows about , there are 12 districts in all , you see we conduct every year Hunger games , from each district a girl and boy from 11 till their old age , and trust me wether or not  you like it or not you have to participate in hunger games . When you are selected you get every thing free! From house , villa till cloths and food , you get free training , free expensive dresses till luxury goods ! After you win The Hunger Games and become the victor of that ,  the winnerhas  the same lifestyle as it continues on !  Now lets see who  wants to play in hunger games ?"
Majority of the hands stood , are they out of their bloody minds ? They want to play in hunger games ? I can swear the first cannon will be theirs in the arena .

"Ah , I'm quite delight full , President Snow would love to see so many people raising their hands foe Hunger Games ,now lets see who is that mysterious girl here who won the 74 th hunger games , shall we ?" A whistle rose , they think that it is so easy to win? How can they ?

"Now , now do you people want to see that girl ?" Caesar asked
"Yes ! Yes! Yes!  Yes Yes Yes Yes " they all cheered .
Why ? God why? 

"Actually we know her name all of you know her name, even I have met her !  During the interview, you know  their is a parade so everyone can see who they are , she and her tributary wore  dresses that were on fire ! Yes fire without even getting hurt! How incredibly gorgeous she looked! !Since then she got the nickname the girl on fire!" He roared . There were cheers and applaude came from all directions, if only they knew what happens

"Please come on the stage dear or we might have to make you!" I did not even move a muscle .'' Yeah come on'' someome shouted "COME ON THE STAGE , COME ON THE STAGE,  COME ON THE STAGE,  ....'' everyone chanted .
"Well well , I think we have to make you now" he says sadly "guards bring them !" And suddenly on the stage are the victors who ran away like me , they were peeta , Finnick , Annie, Beete, wires and everyone else . I catch finnick' s eye amd he looks thunderstuck  when he sees me standing there he mouths to , me "run , now " and when every other victor (friends ) see me they are saying the same words by mouthing me but I'm not able to move I  don' t know why . I know I have to leave now , to save my skin , to save myself from the upcoming hunger games . Still I'm not able to move , even a muscle because , ofcourse I can't leave them , they are hear because of me , and so I won't leave them , not now  . 

"Now , the girl on fire listen if you do not come on the stage now , we are gonna hurt you' re victor friends here "  . When there is complete silence .

Caesar said " I had feared you won't come on the stage , then that leaves me no choice " he says sadly " guards bring it on"

A guard with a thick whip came infront and took peeta first . No no  Icant let this happen this is wrong , I have already seen people suffer because of me , I cant let this happen . I have to show myself , bring , myself forward even though its wrong and then I decided that I will do it .As the peacekeeper raised it , I looked one galnce at Edward who was still looking confused and  I mouthed " I love you" and turned towards the stage . God , now my life is in your hands

And  I shouted " .........."


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