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[if all parts are italicised it means it's a flashback!]

Gwen's POV

"Gwen can you take these to the rooftop?" Our class president told me and I nodded. It was only a stack of papers anyways so it wasn't a big deal.

I thought this would be easy but I was dead wrong. The papers kept falling so I had to stop to pick them up and they were quite heavy— which I didn't expect because they were just papers, what person would expect it?

After mumbling a few complaints as I walked, I finally reached the rooftop. I struggled for a few seconds before I successfully opened the door.

"ah final—" I cut myself off when I heard someone speaking.

I placed the papers on the side and slowly walked to where I heard the noise

"Ah I'm so tired!" I complained to no one in particular

"I'm not enough! I'm never enough!.... I never was and I never will be" I heard someone say

I panicked when I saw a boy standing on the ledge of the rooftop. I screamed and immediately ran towards where he was and I pulled him off from where he was standing

And it ended up with me on top of him on the floor.

"NO!!! Don't do it! Please!! You'll just regret whatever it is you were trying to do!!" I begged and he just looked at me with annoyance in his eyes

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"You! You were going to jump, right?! Don't do it! Life is too precious for one to just waste!!"

"What do you mean jump?! I wasn't going to— " he sighed frustratingly "Get off! Get off me right now!"

I realized the position we were in and I blushed before I stood up. Once I got a good look at the boy, my eyes widened.

He wasn't just any ordinary boy

It was Lai Guanlin

My first crush

My first love

He dusted off his uniform before looking at me and I tried my best not to look at him in the eye out of embarrassment

"I'm sorry...." I mumbled "I thought you were gonna jump or something..."

He just stared at me and I felt intimidated by him so I decided to sit down on the bench and I felt him do the same.

He sighed before speaking "Wasn't going to... and i'm sorry... for uh screaming at you"

I looked at him, shocked but still I nodded at what he said. I thought he was an asshole but he's nice... I think.

We both sat there in silence for a few minutes before he tried to break the ice between us

"Have you ever liked someone? Liked that person to the point that you would do anything for them?"


"Hm... maybe. Why?" I replied. I didn't want to say I liked someone and that someone is him. That's just weird.

"Well, There's this girl..."

Yeah. I know

"I really like her but she likes someone else" He chuckled half heartedly

I know that too.

"If you were in my place, what would you do?" He asked and I just stared at him.

I didn't know what to do

Looks like he noticed because I felt him tap my shoulders while staring back at me

"Hey, earth to... wait what was your name again?"

"I'd let her go" I said, my tears already on the verge of falling


"I'd let her go if that's what makes her happy. Because if you truly love someone, you're willing to do everything for that person.... even if it hurts you" I replied before standing up and wiping away my tears

"Ji Eun" I said "My name's Ji Eun"

He looked at me and his eyes immediately softened. He probably noticed I was crying but before he could say anything I ran as fast as I could, away from him.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket signalling that i received a text and I checked to see that it was from an unknown number.

4 new text messages from +9437254284.

[Don't cry. You must have been through a lot too. Letting go may suck but that's what we end up doing if we love someone, right?]

[this is guanlin, by the way. The guy from the rooftop if you didn't know.]

[Save my number! I don't often give it to strangers, you know]

[and don't ask how i got yours. Maybe i secretly memorized your number from your phone while you weren't looking....]

I smiled a bit at his texts.

You're just making me fall for you even more, Lai Guanlin.

are those reading this story still here?

long time no updates, i am so sorry

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