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Gwen's POV

"Ji Eun...." Guanlin mumbled "Jihoon's sister"

I awkwardly shifted on my seat while fiddling with my hands. The atmosphere was intense yet awkward at the same time.

"Something about you was familiar... so that's why..."

He heaved a big sigh as we both sat in silence for a few minutes before I decided to speak up

"Are you....okay?" I asked

"I'm fine... i'm fine... just found out that i fell for one of my bestfriend's sister and i didn't even know" He mumbled

"You... what?"

He shook his head before standing up "I have to go"

He got his things before walking to the door, not even sparing a second glance

Let go, huh? I told him to let her go yet here I am not even having the courage to let him go. And that lead me to this mess...


"I'm home" I announced as soon as I closed the front door.

"How'd it go?" Jihoon asked, sticking his head out to see me from the kitchen. He was currently washing the dishes.

I walked towards where he was and sat on the bar stool. I laid my head on the counter and sighed. The water stopped running and I looked at Jihoon

"What?" I asked

"Not so well, huh?" He replied and turned the faucet back on "He didn't know"

"I didn't feel the need to tell him because all of this is just—"


I was surprised. He knew?

I looked at him and he gave me a smile

"Shocked?" He chuckled "You're both horrible at lying"

"I'm sorry"

He placed the last plate on the rack before sitting beside me

"But he likes you" He told me "And you like him. You always have, didn't you?"

I stared at him for a minute before laughing awkwardly while scratching the back of my neck

"What are you now, a psychic? Psh"

"No but I'm a guy and you're my sister. I know when a guy likes someone and I definitely know when you like someone" I rolled my eyes at what he said

He stood up and fixed himself up before walking towards the door

"He might not want to talk to you now but he'll eventually come around. I'll help in any way possible so don't get too worked up" He ruffled my hair "I gotta go back. Need to practice. I told Areum to come so you won't starve"

"Ha ha very funny. I can take care of myself"

"Ha ha very funny. You don't even know how to cook rice. Stop being stubborn or you might burn our house down."

A few seconds later, the doorbell rang.

"And that must be her" Jihoon said and opened the door to reveal his girlfriend

The both of them kissed while I made puking sounds in the background. Jihoon looked at me and rolled his eyes while Areum chuckled

"Now I really have to go. Take care. Both of you." He said after giving Areum a little kiss before leaving.

As soon as Jihoon left, Areum smiled at me

"So... I heard you have a prob—

She didn't even finish what she said because I immediately ran towards her to hug her and I cried like a baby in her arms

She didn't even flinch because she was already used to this.  She'd practically pass as my non biological sister if my brother wasn't dating her.

"It's okay... let it out... I'm here" I heard her mumble softly while stroking my hair

This is why I never hated her even though she's the one Guanlin liked.... because she's kind

She's too kind to be hated.


Guanlin will be promoting as an actor in China!! I can't waittt

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