Coming clean at last

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hey y'all it's kaitlyn so for y'all who read Did we live to die for love well this is from kaitlyn's pov. Hope you like it.

Its been 3 weeks since we left th asylum. Sam us pregnant with Zak's baby. I am pregnant with Aaron's baby. Lately Aaron has been secretive and not around. I was getting tired of him not showing up for dinner. It's 11:00 and I have been waiting for him since 7:00. I heard the door close and I turned on the light.

"Baby you don't need to be this late."

"I'll be up however late I want too."

"What's wrong babe?"

"Well lets see I ate dinner with Sam and Zak again, I've been waiting since 7, and my boyfriend comes home smelling like perfume and its not mine."

"Babe it's not like that."

"Really okay then when should I pack my things?" He looked crushed. He walked over to me and tried to kiss me but I smacked his face before he could.

"Babe please don't be like this."

"Why shouldn't I be like this you no good bastard!" I cried out. Aaron saved me from my childhood, I neved thought he would cheat on me. I guess when you get pregnant by the man you love he doesn't want you. I could feel the tears rolling down my checks. Aaron came and wiped them away with his thumb.

"Stop!",I yelled at him"Please." The last part came out barely as a whisper. I loved Aaron. I couldn't imagine life without him. If Aaron is cheating on me then I might as well go home. Home is in Tennessee. In a small town called Hampshire. Aaron left during the time I was thinking. I went to the bedroom and found Aaron asleep. His face looked worried and stressed. It made me realize how much pain he has been in since we got here. Why should you care Kaitlyn it's not like he loves you? The thought came to my head and I broke down. I haven't started showing yet and tonight I'm going to have fun.

I slipped on my black ruffled mini dress and a pair of black heels. I walked out of the hotel and down to the closest club. The music was loud and I found my hips swaying to the beat.I walked up to the bar and sat down.

"What can I get you pretty lady."

"Pepsi no ice please."

"Are you sure cause I got a tequillia sunrise with your name on it?" When Sam and I were in middle school she was called Martini and I was Tequillia Sunrise.(a/n: that is a true statement about me and Stardeaf).

"I'm sure but thank you."

"Okay pretty thing." The one thing that irked me about the bar tender was that he had a Yankee accent. I'm a southerner, I don't believe in slavery but my heart is in the south.As I sat at the bar with my Pepsi a couple a eyes starred at me. By this time I had had 4 Pepsis and I had to go to the restroom. I got up and walked out to the restroom. In the restroom there were people having sex and other things. Its is typical but not what I wanted to see. I did what I had to do and left. I got back to the bar and downed the rest of my Pepsi. It had a funny taste but I didnt think twice. I ordered another drank a little and then went to the dance floor. There was soon a pair of hands on my hips and a rock hard body behind me. His body moved with mine. His strong hands moved my his against his groin. His member growing harder by the minute. As I pushed myself into him he groaned. I felt my body temperature rise I knew that my drink had been spiked with ecstasy. My body was on a high and my mind was going numb. How bad could this hurt my baby? If onky I knew how bad it would hurt my baby. My mind raced like crazy jumping from one subject to another. I finally let go and raised my hands up above my head and swayed to the beat of the music. The guy groaned more and then whispered in my ear,"How bout you come to my place sexy thing?" I looked at him and shook my head. With that I ran out into the road. I ran down the road and into an alley. A set of heavy footsteps came near. I looked around the dumpster and saw the guy from the club coming towards me. I dialed Sam knowing she would hear everything. I laid my phone down on the ground. As he approached me I held my breath.

"Come on out princess." I closed my eyes and prayed that he would leave.

"Found you princess." His breath fanned my face.

"Please don't hurt me or my ba...."

"Or your what? Where you going to say baby?"

I shook my head and brought my knees up to my chest to protect my baby.

"Oh so my little sexy thing is a pregnant thing, even better."

"Please don't please!" I begged and begged but he didn't listen. He ran his hands up and down on my arms and legs. I closed my eyes and let the hopeless, lightness darkness consume me.

I woke up in my hotel room with Aaron at the side of the bed.

"Baby are you alright?"

"Yes I think so."

"I was so scared last night. I woke up and you were gone and then Sam got your call we saw everything."

"Aaron I love you!"

"I love you too baby."

I woke up at 5 that evening and Aaron wasn't there. I stayed up until 11 and still hadn't heard anything from Aaron. I had tried to call Sam but she never answered me.

"Baby what are you doing up this late?"

"Oh I'm sorry I've just been waiting for the father of my child."

"I'm sorry baby."

"Oh sure thats why you came home again smelling like some slut!"

"What do you mean?"

"All prostitutes and strippers and sluts wear sweet pea and you smell like sweet pea! I don't wear fucking sweet pea!"

"Baby its not like that."

"Okay what ever. Say that to my ass!"

"Its not like that I didn't want to do this tonight, oh well."

"What the hell do you mean?" Aaron walked over to me and got down on one knee.

"I wanted this moment to be special ,but I'm having to do it now."

"What the hell do you mean?"

"Kaitlyn will you make me the happiest man and father in the world and say you'll marry me." He pulled out a 4 carrot diamond ring. It had a large diamond in the center and a circle of small rubies around it. I felt tears well up in my eyes. All this time I thought he was cheating he was really getting me the perfect ring.

"I don't know what to say...."

"Say yes."

"Yes yes a thousand times yes!!" The tears started to rolled down my cheeks. The man of my dream just purposed. He was just getting me the perfect ring so we can have a perfect life.

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