The Riddler

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I managed to jump out of her reach just in time. I turned and ran as fast as I could to the door that had a strange glow to it. All around me, the floor was on fire.

But I threw myself at the glowing door and entered a room that had no light. I closed the door behind me so that Gabby could not enter and was thus left in a room that was pitch black. Then I heard a voice:

"I am the one that brings day from night.

I am the one that grants you your sight.

The Sun is the one who gives the most of me.

But then again, who could I be?"

Was this the riddle that would grant me an exit from here? But where was the ancient being that Lucy spoke of?

I thought for a minute and said, "The answer is 'light'." As soon as I said the answer, the room lit up to reveal several doors, all of different colors.

The voice spoke again saying,

"I will show love, but at the same time I show hate.

The flags of war are coated by me, for I decide their fate.

Some may call me vulgar, while others say I'm peace.

I will show you the path, but which door am I of these?"

I looked again at all the doors and saw right in front of me a red one. Red, which was the color of love, war, anger and hatred. I slowly walked towards it and opened it, revealing a room filled with sculptures.

I looked around and saw all animals, birds and different human-like bodies staring back at me with their stony eyes. At the back of the room, I saw a single wooden door. I walked towards it and upon reaching it, tried to open it, only to find that it was locked.

The voice came again with yet another riddle, this time saying,

"Who is sent to do God's work?

Who is good, but with sinners will lurk?

Up in heaven, with god they stand.

Who holds the key within their hand?"

I immediately knew that the answer was an angel, but it would take me days to find a statue of one among this mess. I saw the statue of an elephant nearby, and using the help of a deer, I managed to climb onto its back.

Standing on the elephant, I scanned among the human-like statues searching for an angel, when I felt something move.

I looked down at the elephant and saw its trunk trying to reach me. Around us, all the animals, birds and other figures were beginning to move. That's when I saw the angel, with its beautifully sculpted wings that looked prepared to fly.

I was going to get off the elephant, which was clearly uncomfortable, when a monkey came and began to pull my leg. I slipped off the elephant and fell hard on my back as all the statues began to near me.

I struggled onto my knees and ducked between the legs of all the statues, knowing that all prayers made here in hell would turn out fruitless.

I saw a mouse scrambling over to me, but I simply picked it up and threw it at the nearest animal. Soon, I was on my feet throwing birds from the air at the other statues and kicking everything in my range.

Finally, it was just me and the angel remaining. I walked over to it very casually and held out my hand, clearly wanting the key, but the angel just shook its head and said, "See, I cannot help you there. Your only other option is to fight me. Remember the riddle? It said that the key was within my hand."

I picked up a swordfrom a fallen soldier and held it at my shoulder level, ready for a fight. The angel made the first move by throwing a heavy punch at my face, but I managed to dodge it. I let the sword just fly at the angel and managed to cut one ofits hands off.

Talk about beginner's luck.

The hand fell to the floor and broke, resulting in a bronze key falling out of it. The angel tried to duck down to grab the key but I managed to decapitate it with a clean slice of my blade.

I bent down and picked the key. I went to the door and unlocked it with the key, revealing a room that had a single door that was secured by an unusual figure standing before it.

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