Part Eight

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we both got moved to the back of the class, so we would stop getting bombarded

by spit balls but the school halls were a battleground, where we found ourselves outnumbered

day after wretched day we used to stay inside for recess, because outside was worse,

outside we'd have to rehearse running away or learning to stay still like statues

giving no clues that we were there


My brand new friend had her whole schooling life shaped around this brutal form of playground bullying.

I had managed to tag myself along for the ride.


I had never wanted to go through this.

This was not what I had signed up for- my entire schooling career was spent planning tactics of 'How-To-Run-Away', 'How-To-Blend-In' and our favourite: 'How-To-Bust-Open-An-Empty-Classroom'.

There was one time when the group has found us.

Their favourite tactic was 'Corner-and-Spit-Bomb'.

The amount of paper and spit that I discovered in my hair could have ended up making an entire piece of paper after one week.

Every time we thought that we had evaded them and found a safe haven, we were discovered.

Every day was a fight.

Every day was a fight for the survival of the smartest.

Survival of the prettiest.

The most popular.

The sportiest.

You name it- there was a struggle for it.

But for those of us that were deemed the lowest of low we had to fight to survive.

The school was a battleground and Susan and I were dying soldiers.

Susan had managed to organise most of our tactics.

She knew whether we had to hide that day or whether we had to run for it.

She knew where the best hiding spots were and where the main bullying spots were.

Whilst Susan was the bravest soldier of them all; she was the most memorable.

She began to become a main target over the years and she recognised their moves and motives.

However, to this day, there is only one incident that stands out from the rest.


I designed and drew the picture  at the beginning of this chapter. Please don't take it and present it as your own. -TheSilverFox96

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