Kuro's birthday.

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It has been a few years since Mahiru was murdered, leaving his friends and his fateful Servamp behind.

Kuro, or well, Sleepy Ash knew he had failed the moment he found Mahiru unconscious, lifeless on the hard and broken floor. At first, he didn’t believe it, he rejected it as he tried to shake his Eve awake, to see those cinnamon eyes open for him like they’ve always done, but he got nothing. No movement, no heartbeat, no smile….he...was alone. Ash didn’t know what happened after he realized his sunshine was never waking up again, he must’ve screamed for somebody, anybody to please save him as he held the cold body close, not moving to let go of him. He couldn’t, he wouldn’t, not when Mahiru stuck by his side, he couldn’t let the boy go or it’ll mean that he really did lose him. Though, his body was probably pulled out of his grasp once the others came to see what the commotion was all about, only to be stopped by the sheer sight of a breaking Servamp with the body of the boy he loved, cared and trusted with his whole heart. He could never be happy.

Thinking to the past, he didn’t think he’d ever find that right person for him...but god, that boy….he deserved life, he didn’t deserve such a death at such a young age. He failed the boys’ Uncle, his friends, he failed his siblings, the other Eves. He couldn’t face them anymore, it hurt to think of the looks he’ll get if he showed his face to them, how angry they would be, how they would toss him away for being incapable of protecting someone precious to him, to them. In the end, he felt as if he didn’t belong, how he should’ve just died beside his Eve. He didn’t want this anymore, he hated the pain, the suffering, the way his eyes have the mind of their own as heavy tears come rushing down everytime he remembered that goddamn smile the boy always wore around him and his friends, his family. It hurt, god it hurts that he misses him and his own family, but he didn’t have it in himself to repent since he can’t die. So now he sits at this musky bar every week to drink his life away, like a habit. He knew that if Mahiru saw him now, he would be scolded, being told that drinking his life away wouldn’t help nor would it take the pain away. Ash knew that already, but he had nothing else unless it was physically hurting himself to at least feel something rather than nothing. He’s been numb for way too long and he isn’t sure if it’s the heavy amount of alcohol in his system or it’s because he forgot what it felt to feel anything but pain. He wanted it to end, he tried so many times to follow his Eve but came to realize that his efforts were for naught. He wish he never became a vampire, he wished he could die.

Distracted, he swirls his drink with empty eyes, it wasn’t enough, he needed more, but it wasn’t until a familiar voice came through behind him, snapping him out of his reviere to turn around to address the person who spoke to him. It wasn’t the bartender nor the other folk within the bar, but it was someone he least expected to see.

“My, Nii-san. You looked bummed, care if I join you?” Tsubaki asked once his sibling laid eyes on him.

“Tsubaki…” Ash greets tiredly, he could barely see but he can make up enough to see the kimono and the robe adorning his body.

If Tsubaki said something after that, he wouldn’t know since he realized he blacked out, even for just a few seconds. The next moment he opened his eyes, he could feel a hand on his back, keeping him upright and on the bar stool. He knew he should thank his sibling, but he was just wondering why he was here? Maybe it was just coincidence? No, surely it wasn’t, Tsubaki didn’t like beer, he liked wine and sakè, right? Squinting, he gave Tsubaki a confused look. Why was he helping him?

“How many did you have so far? Are you drunk?” Tsubaki asked once he noticed his sibling was back, trying to get the Eldest to talk for a bit to see if he was tipsy or if he should just take him home.

“Dunno, who cares, why are you here?” Ash replied, he knew he should be a least a bit nicer since Tsubaki is going out of his way to be here and talk with him, but he was in such a foul mood for being interrupted, he was nearly there to feel sick, he wouldn’t feel so numb then. But Tsubaki decided that he’s not gonna let him have his moment of inner agony, since he was already getting up to take his jacket off the chair.

“Well if I said it wasn’t for you, I would be lying. I’m here to take you home, you had too much and sleeping out in the cold will freeze you, so drink what you have there or put it down. You’ll be spending your birthday with me.” Tsubaki stated with such a serious tone that Ash would’ve probably obeyed if it were Mahiru giving him that order, but he rejected the idea of leaving, taking his glass and gulping down the rest of the bitter liquid in defiance. “No, I’m not leaving, I can still think.” he told his youngest sibling stubbornly, he didn’t want to move. However, Tsubaki disagreed, practically pulling the Eldest off the seat and onto his feet, dragging him to the door where a cab was parked for them. Grunting, he started dragging his feet to have Tsubaki to just leave him be. He didn’t want to go anywhere, this bar was his lifeline, it was the only thing that works for him during the years.

“Come on Nii-san, use your feet. Turn into your cat form or something if you don’t want to walk, it’s not even that far to the cab.”

“Why would you care?”

Ash didn’t mean to say that, really, he just didn’t understand. Why now? Why did a sibling decide that right now is the perfect time to speak with him? To acknowledge his existence? Is he going to kill him when they reach Tsubaki’s home? He sure hope he is honestly.

“You’re my big brother and we reconciled, didn’t we? Isn’t it normal to be concerned of your family drinking himself drunk on his own birthday?” Tsubaki reminded him, catching the Eldest off guard.

His birthday…? Today’s his birthday and Tsubaki is...concerned..?

“Concerned…why?” Ash couldn’t help but ask so unsurely, why him..?

“Everyone is worried about you, so if you don’t want to spend your birthday being worried about with a bunch of questions, then I suggest you work with me here and let me take you to my apartment so you can rest, okay?” Tsubaki tried to reason with his Eldest, but when he saw the look within those eyes of despair, he knew he won.

“Okay…” Ash says reluctantly, finally moving his feet enough to let himself be taken outside to the cab. The others were...worried for him….he didn’t understand why they’d feel such emotion after he failed...but for now, he’d let it sink in for awhile.

“Thank you...Tsubaki…”

Once they reached the door of the apartment, Tsubaki had to unlock the door with a heavy mass leaning against him, though, successfully he did open the door, helping his sibling inside first before he closed and locked the door, helping his Eldest sibling with his boots to replace them with the house slippers. His sibling was completely dead weight at this point, leaning more against him as he led him through the apartment to the bedroom.

“Want me to get you some water?” Tsubaki offered when he helped his sibling into bed, but before he left to get some anyways, two arms came circling around him, pulling him into bed and holding him tightly, but not too tight that it’ll be suffocating. “Nii-san?” Tsubaki called out in confusion, but he was met with a soft, “Don’t go…”

Tsubaki sighs at that but allowed himself to be held in his sibling’s arms, turning his body enough to pull the Eldest closer to his body, making sure he felt secure, safe, loved...needed. He’s no longer allowing his sibling to be alone, he’s going to replace Mahiru (hopefully.) Because he couldn’t stand to see the strongest Servamp out there to be withering away.

“Happy birthday, Nii-san...I’m here.”

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