Tsubaki's version.

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Tomorrow was his birthday, Tsubaki knew. But he knows that there was someone else out there who’s having it worse on their birthday, and well, a specific person came to mind, but he knew not to mess with him ever since that day. So he decided to spend his early birthday at a diner not so far from the bar in which a certain someone he couldn’t keep his mind off took refuge in on this holiday. He felt bad, honestly, who wouldn’t? Tsubaki wanted to leave, to do something, anything to help..but he was stuck feeling powerless. After all, what would he say? Do? To help?


He didn’t know how, so instead of caring about the day of his own birth, he was more concerned about his Eldest sibling drinking until he goes brain dead. He knows the others are concerned for his well-being, him being one of them. But he didn’t know how to address the situation and give it to his sibling straight about what he’s doing to himself. Yeah, the death of his Eve must hurt tons, but instead of a human to take refuge with, why can’t he trust his siblings to pick him back up? He’s been alone most of the decades he was made, no? Why did he insist that being alone would help?

Because it won’t.

Sighing in defeat, Tsubaki was just about to get up from his seat until he was stopped mid-way. He forgot he was with Sakuya.

“Tsubaki-san? Are you okay? You were spacing out….not that I am worried, but you can tell me what’s on your mind since I’m all you have left.” Sakuya offered as he ate his peppermint cake. Very festive...Tsubaki all but thought as he sat back down. “I’m fine, it’s just something’s been bothering me and I know I asked you out here to celebrate my birthday early, but I just don’t have any willpower to actually continue on for the day.” Tsubaki admits, looking down at his cold peppermint latte he had ordered not too long ago. Or had it been that long?

“Is it about the cat?” Sakuya asked, and he knew dead on that he hit the jackpot when Tsubaki let out a heavy sigh at the mention of Sleepy Ash. “Perhaps it is, he’s not having a very good birthday this year too and I want to do something about it...like, for family sake or bonding, It doesn’t matter. But I can’t stand to have Nii-san be this miserable, he’s taking over my sin.” Tsubaki explained, looking down at his latte as if it’ll give him some sort of idea on what he could do.

“Why not just take him back to your place then? To sober him up and because it’s gonna get really cold tonight and him being drunk and out on the streets, it won’t be a good idea, even as vampires. But that’s just a suggestion.” Sakuya advised, shrugging. And at that, Tsubaki got up, it was the best advice he got and he was going to take anything he could at the moment. “That sounds fine, I’ll pay for this later, just have them put this on my tab, I’ll be with Nii-san.” Tsubaki told him as he gathered his phone and keys, turning his body to head towards the bar. He knew Sakuya wouldn’t mind, but the subclass is right about tonight’s weather, it worried him that the Eldest doesn’t have anywhere to stay anymore ever since his Eve died, so the best he can offer is his own apartment. He’ll give his sibling enough time to get back onto his feet and move on, so he’ll offer to live with him for as long as he needed, after all, he didn’t mind the company.
Once he arrived at the bar, his fears became reality. He took one good look at his sibling and knew he was halfway there to being completely gone, he had to do something about it for him to stop. “My, Nii-san. You look bummed, care if I join you?” Tsubaki asks, he gives Ash time to turn around to acknowledge him, but even the Eldest seemed to have a trouble of remembering his siblings due to all that alcohol. “Tsubaki…” Ash greets, but it’s not too long that he blacks out for a few seconds, which Tsubaki had to rush over to make sure he wouldn’t fall off the stool, sitting next to him with a hand on his back to make him stable enough for when he comes back to earth. “How many did you have?” Tsubaki asked, when he received no response, he tried again. “How many did you have so far? Are you drunk?” Tsubaki asked again, finally receiving an answer. “Dunno..who cares, why are you here?”

Of course, Tsubaki was expecting that question. Why is he here again? Because he's worried? Because of the others? Nah, he's here for his Eldest and he just wants to take him home. “Well if I said it wasn’t for you, I would be lying. I’m here to take you home, you had too much and sleeping out in the cold will freeze you, so drink what you have there or put it down. You’ll be spending your birthday with me.” He states simply, getting up to get his sibling’s jacket so they could just leave this goddamn place. His brother didn’t deserve this, so he just wants to get him out of here before he gets addicted to drinking down his sorrows. However, his Eldest sibling wants to be a pain in the ass with the remark of: “No, I don’t wanna leave yet, I can still think.” bullshit, sighing for what it feels like the hundredth time, he drags his sibling off the chair and onto his feet, taking him over to the door where a cab is waiting, thankfully he called one in advance. But again, his sibling makes it harder for him to take him home since he was dragging his feet, grunting in annoyance he tries his best to use a soft tone to coax his sibling into moving his goddamn feet. “Come on Nii-san, use your feet. Turn into your cat form or something if you don’t want to walk, it’s not even that far to the cab.”

“Why would you care?”

It came out so suddenly that it didn’t register into Tsubaki’s mind until he had to replay that message through his head. Why would he care?

In the past, he would rather see all the siblings as well as their Eves suffer just like he was suffering due to his sensei’s death, he felt alone, forgotten, unworthy. He wanted the others to feel what he felt. But after the whole war was over, he just gave up. He already set his subclasses free, calmed his head and moved on from the grudge, he had no need to have them suffer anymore. And well, eventually the siblings have been warming up to speak with him to make him the official Eighth, it was nice to finally be included in a family.

Though, it was that exact moment in which he figured out what had become of the Servamp of Sloth. His Eve died at the end of the fight with Touma, and has been alone and miserable without him.

So he did what had to be done, he needed to see the Eldest.

“You’re my big brother and we reconciled, didn’t we? Isn’t it normal to be concerned of your family drinking himself drunk on his own birthday?” Tsubaki replied honestly, looking at the Eldest with a soft look, usually the same look only reserved for his subclasses, but his brother needed reassurance right now so he needed it more.

“Concerned….? Why..?”

Tsubaki frowns at that, he knew his sibling hadn’t felt such hope of someone being concerned for his well-being ever since he parted ways from his family, it was heartbreaking really.

“Everyone is worried about you, so if you don’t want to spend your birthday being worried about with a bunch of questions, then I suggest you work with me here and let me take you to my apartment so you can rest, okay?” He tells him as he adjusts his hold on his sibling, helping him outside to the cab since he was moving his feet now.


“Thank you...Tsubaki…”

With that, Tsubaki couldn’t hold back his successful smile when he successfully helped his Eldest sibling into the cab.

By the time they got into the door, his sibling was half asleep and dragging his feet in exhaustion. “Nii-san? You alright? We just got in the door, can you stand?” Tsubaki implored as he touched his palm over Ash’s forehead, seeing if he’s having some sort of fever. Feeling for none, he leads his sibling to his room to sleep off the alcohol.

“I’m fine.”

Tsubaki didn’t believe him but nonetheless, he helped Ash to his bed to lay him down. “Want me to get you some water?” Tsubaki asked but as he did so, he felt arms circling around his midsection, dragging him down into bed to spoon him from behind. “Nii-san?”

“Don’t go..”

Tsubaki sighs at that but he turns his body to face his sibling, he doesn’t feel like going anyways, not when he’s being held so tightly.

“Happy birthday, Nii-san...I’m here.”

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