3: New friends!

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Lunch time!

You and Rio were sitting at a table in the cafeteria. Suddenly you noticed a girl in pink features walking towards you two.

" Hi! Aren't you two the new students here?" the girl asked.

" Yes!" you said.

" I'm Yaya, the class monitor! Nice meeting you two." Yaya said helding her hand forward.

" Nice meeting you, too, Yaya." You shaked hands with her.

" Wait I'll call my friends!" Saying this, she ran to another table.

" Looks like we're gonna make some friends~ "Rio said.

You didn't have to say anything. You just sighed.

" Hey, (Y/N)! Meet my friends."

" Hello, I'm Gopal!" A fat boy said, smiling.

" Hi! I'm Ying." A girl with glasses said.

" I'm Fang." said a boy with spiky dark purple hair.

" And I'm BoBoiBoy! Nice to meet you two. You must be (Y/N), right? "  Pointing towards you, the boy with orange features from earlier said.

" Um...Yes. How did you guess?" You asked him.

" Your name is the same as your face, beautiful!" He said with a sweet smile and blushed a bit. But your cheeks eventually became beet red. Rio noticed this and made a weird sound, which annoyed you. Fang and Gopal 'awww'ed. BoBoiBoy death glared at them and you blushed harder.

(Then everone's usual gossip stuff and time skip to school dismissal)

" Okay, everyone! See you soon." BoBoiBoy said and headed for his home.

" Bye, BoBoiBoy!" Everyone said in unison.

You and Rio started walking with him.

" Well BoBoiBoy, I didn't know our homes were the same way!" You said.

" Neither me, (Y/N). Look that's my house. " Boboiboy said while pointing towards a house.

" That's your house?! " You said staring at the house unblinkingly.

" Yeah. Why? "

" T-That's the house we're supposed to stay at, too. "

" WHAT? But Tok Aba never said something like that. "

" Maybe he didn't know as well. "

" Hmm... Let's just go in. " Boboiboy said and headed for his (and your) home.

• • • •
dont know why im writing such short chapters. and boring... but believe me I'll try to make the next chapter a bit different( i promise 😂) and it might be longer too. XD

anyways...HAPPY NEW YEAR

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