They Don't Want Us Here

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[PDA: Log recording started]
"We've gone into the facility and you won't believe what we found there....A PRECURSOR...well, at least the conscious of one, trapped inside a data download, his name's Na'rrk. Apparently the precursors had technology to transfer their minds or something....I do not trust him though. When we first arrived, his first instinct was to threaten to blow up the entire biome....Also, what are the chances of all the precursors minds dying except one, maybe he killed the rest, maybe the others got eaten by sea monsters! What do I care! EVERYTHING BY NOW IS A SICK JOKE!"
[PDA: Log recording manually ended. Detected high levels of stress in user. Caution advised.]
[PDA: Log recording started]
"Sorry about earlier....there's just something about this place....this does stuff, before this I saw Keen take the stasis rifle and aim it at himself. It's crazy. But this precursor, he's requesting a new body to host his mind. Due to there being half built warpers around here and their mechanical nature, it shouldn't be too hard for me to hook it up. The only problem is that.....I've been into the artifact room....saw how many.....doomsday devices there are in there....there's one the size of a mesmer that the scanner says can destroy this entire section of the planet we are on. Whoever the precursors were.....they weren't a force to be reckoned with. I'm beginning the operation now. PDA. End log.
[PDA: Log recording ended]
[PDA: Log recording started]
"Damn that bloody monster. I knew we shouldn't have trusted him. He doesn't want us here" *shuffling sounds in background. "I'll have to keep it down. As soon as the alien woke from "surgery", it used it's warping powers to warp Keen outside to the lava zone.....I saw him disintegrate with my very own eyes. It was an honour serving under you sir! Back to the main issue. The creature is now headed to the artifact room. I'm assuming that he's gonna activate one of the doomsday devices. I have to stop him."
[PDA: Log recording manually ended]

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