Game Over

651 13 7

[PDA: Log recording started]
"I've....I've failed....once the doomsday device activates, I can't stop it. After all that effort, I can't believe that I'm actually gonna die here. I've made my way back to Aurora , but there's no point anyway. This diverse ecosystem, gone in the push of a button. I've had the Aurora scanners scan the entire planet and 80% of it is devoid of life anyway, so the fauna and flora here could be unique to this place alone, a shame that it has to be destroyed. There is a silver lining though. The wildlife here will be free of the Kharaa bacterium and finally be at peace. I've also downloaded my PDA's records, scanned specimens, logs and findings to the long range transmitter onboard the Aurora. Once this part of the planet explodes, the transmission jammers should be destroyed and hopefully the computer will have enough time to send the data to Alterra, as it should be instant. Also, Alterra, if you are reading this, don't send another damn ship here.
The anti-matter bomb triggers in T-minus 3 minutes. Until then...well, there's always the view.......
[PDA: Log recording interrupted. Sending data...ERROR....down....ERROR...loads to Alterra...ERROR...Corporation. Transmission successful. shutdown imminent....ERROR....Backup data terminated....ERRzzztzttzzztk]

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