Chapter 2

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The Kingdom

That was were he found himself. After an intense battle against the Mamin, Eliot stood in front of a huge gate. He had been lead here by 6 horsemen at gun point he might add. While he understood their apprehension, he had just saved their lives. As the gates open he was surprised to see the thriving metropolises in front of him. While he was distracted a man came behind him and disarmed him off all weapons and belongings. When he thought of retaliating, he had a gun to his head.

"Now everyone, just calm down!" came a stern voice from in the crowd that had formed. Soon they parted and towards him walked a man with dreadlocks. The way this man walked screamed confidence, yet grace. When we were a mere meter away from Elliot he spoke again. "I have heard from my general of your great triumph against the dead. May we offer you refuge for a time, while you mend your wounds." He said offering Elliot a hand with a smile. "I am King Ezekiel. And this is the Kingdom. Come and we shall tour."

"Elliot," he said as he began to reluctantly follow the king. If Elliot had of known waking up this morning would have lead to this, he would have gone back to sleep.

"Actually, Ezekiel I...." he was quickly interrupted.

"You are to refer to him as your majesty," a voice of a nearby guard said.

Elliot glared, "Ezekiel I am not interested in staying. I'm better off outside by myself." Elliot said as he glared at the guard as if daring him to correct him again. The King then put a hand up signaling the guard to let it go which made Elliot smirk.

"Have you been alone long?" The king asked leading him towards a big building.

"Long enough." Was Elliot's reply.

"Then why not take a break and be without concern. Allow us to repay your service, then leave." The king said. When Elliot began to once again argue he was shushed. "One night then. Tomorrow we shall reconvene." Elliot was beyond annoyed, but he could not argue with the proposition of a rare guarded night sleep.

"Fine. Where can I sleep?" he asked.

"Benjamin shall take you. Benjamin!" he yelled. A boy rounded the corner and smiled. The smile, however, dropped when he saw the stranger. "Take this man to the visitor's barracks and provide him with supper. He is our guest for this night." The boy looked very reluctant, but nodded none the less, and began to lead the way to yet another big building. As they walked in they passed many rooms, most of which were filled with children. As Elliot began to question where their parents were, the boy in front of him answered, as if reading his mind.

"These are our orphans. Like you, their parents sought refuge here and subsequently lost their lives. Now they stay here until they grow up enough to decide for themselves if they are willing to serve the Kingdom." Benjamin explained.

"That makes sense." Was all Elliot could reply. They continued walking falling into a comfortable silence. When they finally reached the desired room, Benjamin stopped and turned to the visitor.

"Look I'm sure you are a good guy. You know... because you saved the others. But please remember where you are. People here are at peace, they don't need some stranger coming in and causing trouble. Okay?" Benjamin asked attempting to look intimidating. The key word was tried, it wasn't all that effective compared to Elliot's glare, but Elliot understood.

"You know kid, if I was going to do something it would have been when you had your back turned." This made the boy take a defensive step back. "But. I have no reason to cause trouble, so ill be good for now." He said smiling and leaving the boy to enter his room. He was surprised to see all of his belongings inside, save his weapons. He went to his pack and made sure everything was there. He smiled when his grandma's medicine pouch was untouched. He heard Benjamin say something about bringing dinner later and leaving him alone.

(A) Ellie ~ (JesusXMaleOc)Where stories live. Discover now