Chapter 3

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            One day, became two. Then two turned into a week. The more time Elliot spent within the Kingdom, the less of an urge he had to run away. People like Benjamin who didn't originally trust him had begun to change their opinions. Shivai was a great motivator to stay.

At this point he had gone on two different runs, bringing back many furs and smaller animals with him. This had increased the people's confidence in him. During one of the worst storms the Kingdom had seen in a long time, Elliot was out helping people find shelter and finding children who had been lost from the orphanage. It wasn't until a boy by the name of Harper came to him, did Elliot discover his calling.

Harper was only 14 when all this started and was now 17. He was trying to earn the respect of the guard along with the King. He was seen as weak because of his age and lack of experience. That brought him to Elliot's door. If he was being honest, he was a bit scares of Ellie, having seen him expertly using his staff. He expected that the strong newcomer would turn down his request for training. The result, however, was Elliot agreeing to not only train him, but many of the younger boys who wanted to become men. At first the classes consisted of only a few people, but eventually it grew. Once they had gained the attention of the king and his guards, his place in their small society was determined. He was going to be a teacher. Teaching both the young and old the ways of self defense. He quite enjoyed this position as it provided him the opportunity to ensure his own protection, while continuing to do something he was so fond of before the events of the apocalypse took place.

It was due to this familiarity with the community, accompanied by the notion that Elliot began to once again open up to others. For the most part it was offering help wherever he could. He helped those in the medical tent with his knowledge on herbs and other healing treatments that he had learned from his grandmother. He also helped out in the kitchens teaching how to skin wild animals, while maintain as much meat as possible and preserving the furs. In this respect he also helped with making the land as prosperous as it could be with his knowledge of the ways of the land. Finally, when he wasn't training his troops, he was always more then willing to jump into construction of new shelters, offering his opinion on the best ways to optimise the space that they had. With all of his contributions to the Kingdom, he had gained the respect of the people and most of all the king.

On a odd day where Elliot was not running around outside the wall or helping within them, Ezekiel had called him to his chambers. When he arrived he was surprised to find it was just the two of them along with the ever present tiger. it was then that began to tell Elliot all about his life before the Kingdom. Though he was a bit surprised to find out that the king that he respected did not have a history of managing people, he found it important to return the favour. He explained about he was technically the chief of a people that he believed to be lost. He told many stories about his grandparents, and the ways that he learned what he knew. Upon the conclusion of their conversation the two men had an even deeper respect for one another. It was at this moment that Ezekiel realised how much of an asset their impromptu visitor would be for his community, and what a dear friend he would be.

As a year passed Elliot had earned himself the title as one of the Kings generals, though he did not accept the title himself, others chose to call him as such. Another common theme throughout the year was the king's persistence in finding Elliot a spouse. Elliot was continuously rejecting the proposals of others, both men and women, as he simply did not feel the need to subject himself to an emotional attachment that could be taken away so easily in the current world. Little did he know that a trip at the behest of his leader would lead him to his fated person.

****le time skip ***

When Elliot heard that the King was making a trip personally to one of their allies, he volunteered himself as a body guard. On the way there, the King began to explain to him what sort of community they were going into. It was called Hill Top. Their leader Gregory was a cowardly man who looked out for himself above all else and does not do well with confrontation. He also spoke highly about a man they called Jesus, who apparently was the first to offer an alliance between the two communities. Elliot could immediately come up with several jokes to tell Benjamin upon returning home about meeting and walking in the footsteps of Jesus. As they neared the allies compound he made sure to be on alert for the sake of his king.

What they found behind the walls was a little underwhelming. Compared to their prosperous community, the Hill Top was little more then a house sitting on a hill surrounded by walls with 6 or so trailers on the grounds within he walls. He gave his King a few questioning glances wondering what such a small community could offer them. He kept quiet however as they were led into the main building. They were brought into a study where they made the acquaintance of Gregory. The man spoke highly of himself, refusing to give Ezekiel the respect that the man deserves. He seemed to be under the impression that he would be doing us a great service by becoming our allies. By that point Elliot was just about to usher his king out of the room and tell the man to go to hell. This thought was cut out when his King asked for Jesus, as he was the one who proposed the alliance. Begrudgingly Gregory summoned for Jesus.

Elliot would have been lying if he said that he was not curious about the man after all he had heard from his King. For a man to go out by himself and break into the kingdom in order to speak to the king was a great feat in itself. One that Elliot respected. What he didn't expect was for the man who entered the room to have the most breathtaking eyes and alluring personality. His sudden interest in the man was not lost on his king, who upon finalising the alliance introduced Elliot and declared him to be his representative for the alliance. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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