"Ban, No"

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The day started off and king woke up with snoring so loud it was almost unbearable. King looks over to his side and sees ban sleeping. Ban looked so beautiful while sleeping that king decided not to wake him up. King headed down the stairs for breakfast with Meliodas and Elizabeth. As normal without ban awake the food made by Meliodas was horrible, "I'm going to get Ban to make us food" said king. Meliodas replies "Yah, you probably should" he smirked and then started messing with Elizabeth "Meliodas s-stop" said Elizabeth. Porky squealed "Meliodas you pervert!!"

King went up the stairs to where Ban was sleeping. He opened the door and Ban wasn't sleeping!? King spoke "Ba-" something grabbed his face before he could finish "Shh, you don't want them to hear right?" Ban spoke with a very small whisper in kings ear. Ban flipped king around against the wall. Ban brought his face close to King. King let out a squeal, it was small noise but all it did was make Ban want him to squeal more. "Oh, king I thought you disliked me doing this. I guess you do like it" Ban smirked while saying it. Ban kissed kings neck and then stopped, he looked at King. King was crying and it made Ban confused. "Ban, No" said king

Hello, I know it's not exactly the best but if you like it I will make a new chapter soon.
What will king do to stop ban from being so reckless?

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