Now isnt the right time

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"Thank you, and goodnight" Said Ban with a smirk. King was lying on the bed trying to tell Ban that Now wasn't the right time as they heard a loud ear breaking screech. "Ngggh" King moaned, "-ow that hurts the noise really hurts-" said king, Ban grabbed pillows and covered Kings  ears with them. Ban got up and ran down stairs.
20 minutes later
King had wondered what had happened and went down stairs.  No one was there but the screeching got louder. "BAN-!! " screamed king.
Faint noises were filling Kings ears saying "King? King? KING!" And suddenly King woke up. All the sins were in the room staring at him while Ban was in the bed hovering over him, "Umm King, You started screaming Ban after you fainted" Said Ban "-what!?!?" Elizabeth continued off of what Ban was saying " Yeah, we all ran in and saw ban acting really confused, we still don't know why he was with you thoug-nng!" then captain of scraps disposal screamed "MELIODAS YOU PERVERT!!!" Merlin chuckled "Well I asked Gother to mess with your head to see if it would wake you up but I guess just hearing Ban saying your name wakes you up, Are you a couple or something?" Meliodas continued "Yah, are you?" It got quiet for a moment "N-No l, Never.. I - uh I hate Ban!" At that moment the room went silent and Ban got up "heh, so I guess you do" and then Ban left. 

This isn't very long and I'm sorry I haven't updated lately, I haven't had the time or motivation but here is a little chapter. I'll make it up to all of you by making a longer chapter next time!!

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