Our Queen (Cici Aulia Pratiwi)

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She's my queen, your queen, our queen.

The best queen is guarded whose space is not lined up.

Those who are always present on the side when convoluted problems come greet.

He hugged, drained her love without any hope.

Even though, when the problem waved goodbye, I was stretching the distance from her, as if I could without her, but she still followed and aligned her steps with me and grabbed my hand and looked at me that I certainly could.

This, for her, beloved.


Dia ratuku, ratumu, ratu kita semua.
Ratu terbaik dijagat yang ruangnya tidak berbaris sisi.
Yang selalu hadir dipihak ketika berbelit-belit masalah datang menyapa.
Ia mendekap, mengalirkan rasa kasih tanpa asa apa-apa.
Meskipun, ketika problema melambai selamat tinggal, aku 'kan memanjang jarak darinya, seolah aku bisa tanpa dia, namun dia 'kan tetap menyusul dan mensejajarkan langkahnya denganku lalu mencengkram tanganku serta memandangku bahwa aku tentu boleh.
Ini, untuknya, yang tercinta.

By : Cici Aulia Pratiwi

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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