Freedom and Pain

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It was mid day. You slowly stepped out of the darkness and basked in the warmth of the sun, content. You were finally free. No longer locked away in the never ending void that consumed every part of you. Your thoughts, your memories, your feelings all lost in the darkness until this moment. You could finally feel the beauty of the sun after so long. You took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill your lungs and flow through every vein in your body.

You stood there for a while taking in everything; from every ray of sunlight to every gust of wind, from the sound of rustling leaves in the distance to the faint sent of flowers.

You didn't think you'd ever be able to escape the darkness in which you were imprisoned. You kept your eyes closed; not wanting to reveal to anyone what lie beneath your eyelids.

The eyes of a monster. What many would most likely describe them after one glance at them. Your wrists and ankles were still chained, the chain around your ankles just long enough for you to walk. The presence of the guards were also there. You could feel them around you, watching you, waiting for you to make a move - being locked away in pitch blackness for so long heightened all of your other senses greatly, so detecting the stealth force members positioned only a few feet away from you wasn't a hard thing to do. They stayed a cautious distance away from you, but close enough for them to stab you with their swords if the need arose.

"Humph, keeping their distance." You thought with placid amusement, "If protecting them selves is their goal, then I'm afraid there are fools for thinking such a distance is enough to defend against me. That is, given that I chose to attack them, which I will not. For that would make me the fool.",

You were finally free and you would very much like to keep it that way. As you walked, the memories of your past began rushing back, but you quickly pushed them away. You didn't want to remember anything; neither before nor during your time imprisoned in the darkness. You had learned long ago that memories only caused pain, a pain that cannot be sated by any means.

You didn't know exactly where the guards were taking you, however, you could easily guess were it was you were going. As a child you were often praised for being a prodigal child with enough power to be a lieutenant. Those expectations were obviously quickly thwarted after a few truly unfortunate events involving your parents, suffice to say that you had no intention of recalling those events.

You continued walking with the guards who were keeping a close watch on you. They, like everyone else in the soul society, thought you were a psychopathic killer whose goal was, and still is, to take over the Soul Society and kill anyone that opposed you. None of their speculations were true, however, you had no intention of setting anyone straight. If no one believed you before, why would they believe you now? After awhile of walking, the guards stopped and moved in front of you.

You heard the sound of doors opening and it was then that your initial theory of where they were taking you was in fact correct. You could feel the spirit energy exclusive to those of captain level - well, exclusive to those of captain level and you. The guards cautiously pushed you forward through the doors where you assumed the captains of the 13 court guard squads were, though you could sense that not all 13 captains were present.


You continued to walk further into the room until you were right in the middle of everything. Once you you reached the middle of the room you were quickly stopped by a loud and sudden voice.

" Halt!"

The voice yelled, stopping you from going any further.

"You, a mere murderer, dare step so close to the Head Captain of the 13 court guard squads!"

Byakuya x reader - Freedom and PainWhere stories live. Discover now