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It was night. You laid motionless on the floor inside a room that your new captain ordered you to stay in. The room was small and detatched from the rest of the barraks. It had been a week since you were set free, yet you felt more caged now than you did when you were locked away. The room was dark, save the small candle placed next to where you lay.

You had decided a week ago that you would forget, Not your memories, but the feelings that accompanied the memories. You let the memories flow freely through your mind like feathers in a medow.You disregarded every feeling that arose as you recalled events in your past. In this week you had convinced yourself that emotions weren't real and that one can live fine without happiness, joy and even love: those emotions were always replaced by despair anyway, so why feel them at all? One emotion that you had trouble ridding yourself of was fear. Fear was a difficult emotion to overcome let alone completely rid oneself of it.

You had come to realized that you were affraid of many things. You feared the darkness even though it was the only place that accepted you. You feared the people in the soul society; you had only been in the soul society a week and you already experienced being cornered by a group of soul reapers that had ill intentions towards you. To your dismay your spirit energy had been sealed away, including your zanpakuto, making you just as weak and vulnerable as a human.

You laid on the tatami floor. no futon nor covers to protect you from the cold nights.

"Out of all the places that they could have put me, they push me unto the one person who hates me the most. How considerate of them."

Yes, they had placed you under the supervision of Byakuya Kuchiki.

You weren't apart of his squad. In fact, you doubted that anyone in the soul society thought of you as one of them; a soul reaper. Just one look at your eyes was enough for then to see you as a monster, and that was without the "knowledge" that they had regarding your past.

After laying there for a while, you made to get up, but soon thought better of it. Where would you go? After your last journey through the seireitei ended with you battered and bruised while the group of soul reapers who decided it would be a good time to intimidate you, were sprawled out across the ground before your feet, it was decided that you were not to leave the squad six barracks.

So you stayed put. You weren't at all interested in fighting a bunch of squad 11 soul reapers who had zanpakto, when you yourself didn't. So with that in mind, you laid back down and did the only thing you could do. Sleep.


You woke to the door to your detached sleeping quarters being knocked on. You sat up slowly and stretched, lifting your self off the floor with a yawn and making your way to the door.

'I wonder why Byakuya's here?'

You were a bit surprised when you sensed his spiritual pressure outside your door, but didn't linger on the thought. Whatever he wanted, it would be delivered with a platter of hate, over seasoned with disgust with a cup of fresh squeezed malice.

You slid your door open slowly, revealing the head of the Kuchiki clan. You looked him straight in the eye and you could tell that that alone made his blood boil.

'"How dare she have the gall to look me straight in the eye. She should learn her place!", I bet he's thinking something along those lines.'

Due to your week long journey of ridding yourself of your emotions, you couldn't bring yourself to care about the look that he gave you. Nor did you care for the hand that he had placed on his zanpakto, as if waiting for you to make a wrong move so that he could have an excuse to cut you down.

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