Not me

103 12 9

Its funny how I became over protective about you.

telling you not to mention any of your friends name when I talk to you.

That I just wanted you to talk about us

And just US...

I asked you not to mention their names in the future unless its an emergency.


Look at us now...

I don't even think we would still talk in the future...

If so...

I hope that we wont ever fight again.

I don't think you can handle my selfishness...

I didn't think anyone can anyway...

I just hope you will find someone to comfort you when you seek comfort...

A person who will think about your feelings first before playing with you.

A person that will handle you with care.

A person that.....

That isn't me....


Guys just had a fight with my friend
Lmfao this was a message for her.

She deserves someone better as a friend

And I'm not that person

I'm mean

I don't think of your feelings

I'm just playing around even if you're serious and that would turn out to a fight

Since I'm so childish

Who can blame me?

I'm still a child

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