Chapter 6

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Happy New Year!


The night of the dinner came and Nat was just about ready to get the show on the road.

She arrived home at 3:30 pm to begin preparations for the dinner that her mother had informed her she should be present for at 6:30pm sharp, a dinner that would actually begin at 7pm. In other words, everyone is expected to be in attendance thirty minutes before the actual dinner to socialise. To Nat it meant half an hour for her mother to properly grill her "boyfriend" with questions.

Speaking of boyfriend, Nat's mind immediately goes to the escort, Terrence Ross, for the 100th time that day. She wondered what he would think of the crazy situation she is dragging the innocent man into. She almost felt bad for the man. But at least he was getting paid for it.

Earlier, during lunch with her best friend, Kaylene Scott, Nat had blurted out that she had hired an escort to pretend to be her boyfriend to her mother for the dinner tonight. She immediately wished she could take it back when Kaylene had burst into laughter in the middle of their meal attracting attention which had made Nat turn a beet red and act as if they didn't know each other.

Yes, she knew what she did was quite stupid. But she had no choice. The only other option was to come clean to her mother who would take it graciously and by tomorrow she would have a date with another stuck up rich snob. She couldn't deal with that. Not again.

So if this was the only alternative she would grab it with her two hands. Who knows? It just might not turn out to be as bad as she expects.


After taking a quick shower with her lavender scented liquid soap and wrapping herself in a robe, Nat began doing her make up. She didn't want to go over the top so she opted for a simple, natural look with little concealer, eye shadow, some mascara, eyeliner, blush and lip gloss.

Okay, maybe not so simple.

Afterwards, she went to her closet and produced the box which her mother had had delivered to her earlier that day for the dinner.

Nat didn't understand the big deal. It was, after all, just a family dinner so why all the extra lengths. But she knew better than to question Alyssa Madden. Especially when it came to fashion which was her field of expertise.

After getting dressed in the champagne colored dress with spaghetti straps which had a long slit along her right leg -her mom really did know her stuff- and a pair of Christian Loubiton heels she looked at herself in the mirror.

Really looked at herself.

And Natalie Madden truly liked what she saw. She had been so busy lately, but now at she stared into the eyes of the blue eyed beauty in the mirror she thanked her mother's genes. They were like a photocopy of each other.

Looking at the time she saw that it was 6 o'clock on the dot so she quickly spritzed her neck with some perfume and picked up her clutch ready to leave.

She was expecting Terrence anytime from now.

She didn't know what had possessed her to give her house address as their meeting place but she had never really done this sort of thing before so it was all new. She just hoped that he wasn't some kind of psychopath who will become obsessed and start stalking her.

Okay so maybe the stalking part was a little extreme but it wasn't exactly her fault. Whoever he may truly be will not be written on his head.

But it was too late to change her mind so Nat just sucked it up like a big girl.

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