Headcannon #5: Christmas

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Hizashi and Nemuri are LIVID when they find out that Maigo doesn't know what Christmas is. They go all out decorating the UA staff room for her in the week leading up to Christmas break, and make sure to plan the biggest Christmas party in the history of Christmas parties (before Shota steps in and makes them tone it down a bit). Their plans are complete with gingerbread house making, cookie baking and decorating, nonstop Christmas songs on Mic's radio show, watching a back-to-back Christmas specials and movies, drinking way too much hot coca, and snuggling up by the fire in a heap of blankets and ugly Christmas sweaters (Shota's favorite activity). On Christmas morning, each pro hero showers Maigo in heaps of presents, ranging from toys and stuffed animals, to clothes, to textbooks, to accessories for her potential hero costume. And although everything is too over the top, Maigo has never been happier or felt more loved in her entire life.

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