Headcannon #12: Kacchan

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   Bakugo is the last person anyone would expect to be good with kids. In fact, in any instance when he is around kids, a lot of yelling and anger usually ensues.
   But not with Maigo. No matter how much he tries to deny it, no matter how many explosions, screaming, or foul words are thrown around, everyone know's of the hot-headed hero-to-be's soft spot for one (1) small, fluffy-haired child.
   It started in between periods one day, while they were waiting for their next teacher to come waltzing in. The students had just gotten their English tests back from Mic, and Maigo was upset with her grade. None of the other students knew how to comfort her, until a shock of sandy, spiky hair pushed its way through the crowd and slammed a hand on her desk. Everyone stared in total silence as Backugo leered down at their youngest classmate.
   Then, in one smooth motion, the explosive boy crouched down next to the desk, looked over the girl's test and said in his usual rough voice, "You just need to spend a little more time on grammar, the words are all spelled right. See? I have trouble with that too."
   It doesn't take much on Maigo's part, a forgotten homework here, a few questions wrong there, and Bakugo instantly softens (or, whatever the angry blond's version of softening is, which isn't really that soft on the outside). But Maigo always knows that if she ever feels overwhelmed by too many people, or if she's ever upset with a bad grade in school, she always has a friend ready to stand up for her.
   No matter how angry that friend can be.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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