Headcannon #10: Two Years Later

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It's the most romantic month of the year, so why not have a little fun and write an Erasermic headcannon?

Hmmm? What do you mean it's already March and it's way too late for a romance-themed chapter?


   It's been two years since Shota first met Maigo on that dark, cold rainy night.

   Two years since he decided to fill his home with excess blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals.

   Two years since he began learning how to cook and keep his apartment clean.

   Two years since she turned his life upside-down.

   And frankly, he is okay with that. He loves waking up in the morning, padding into the kitchen and making eggs for breakfast. He loves listening to the slow shuffle of his daughter as she slinks through her new bedroom door, arms stretching out over her head as her jaw pushes wide open into a yawn. He loves pressing his lips against her scalp as she squeezes by him, reaching up to grab a glass for her juice with a small, sleepy "Excuse me" falling from her lips.

   It's been almost a year since Maigo uttered her first word.

   It's been almost a year since Shota woke up in the middle of the night, running around the apartment in a cold sweat, searching everywhere for the girl who startled him with a half-asleep "Dad?" as she walked through the front door. She had just got home from her summer hero-training, of course Shota knew she'd be coming home late.

   That doesn't mean he's still not surprised every morning when she opens her mouth.

   A slender pair of hands wrapping around his waist breaks the Erasure hero out of his thoughts. Hizashi snakes his hands around to Shota's front, squeezing the shorter man into a quick hug before pecking him on the back of the head. The blond then shuffles next to Maigo, ruffling her hair with his hand before slumping over the counter and pouring himself his first of many cups of coffee that day.

   It's been three months since Hizashi first came home with Shota.

   Three months since the two of them finally sat down and acknowledged their feelings for one another.

   Three months since Nemuri, Tensei, and Toshinori set the two of them up on their first date.

   Shota pours himself his third cup of coffee and divides the eggs into three plates. Maigo takes the bread she's been working on out of the toaster, spreading butter on each of the three pieces before placing one slice on each plate. Hizashi rummages through the fridge, lazily poking at some wilting greens before grabbing three oranges and setting them on the table.

   It's been two months since they all moved in together.

   Two months since Shota began sharing his bed with a completely different person.

   Every once in a while, Maigo slips up. She'll call for Uncle 'Zashi instead of for dad. As soon as she does, she winces and shrinks away, still expecting to be hit for messing up. There are some things Shota may never be able to erase from her past.

   Hizashi doesn't mind. Instead, he always pulls her close, smiling into her scalp as his fingers gently brush through her hair. The two of them could stay like that for hours on end, being next to each other, talking without words, communicating on some other level that only they share.

   Sometimes, when Maigo cries, Hizashi calls for Shota. The two men try different tactics to cheer the girl up, but in the end, they always end up sitting on either side of her, waiting for her to cry herself out, never leaving never fading. Just showing her she is no longer alone.

   Other times, Hizashi and Maigo run around the living room, singing the lyrics to their favorite songs at the top of their lungs, signing whatever they can and laughing until their stomachs hurt. Shota always has to come out of the bedroom and yell at them for making too much noise.

   And frankly, Shota thinks as he sits between the two of them at the table, his boyfriend leaning on his shoulder and his daughter lightly holding onto his arm, he wouldn't want it any other way.

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