Nines (RK900 x reader)

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Let's give the boy Nines some love! By the way I call him Nines and I will continue to do so unless a request states otherwise. Anyway enjoy.

Also, (L/n) means last name if you aren't aware.

A relationship with an android was forbidden.

At least for a human it was.

You could never understand why.  After all, androids are people too, aren't they? Even if the humans and sometimes even the Androids themselves didn't believe it.

So it was no surprise when the upgraded Deviant Hunter himself, the android that was literally designed not to feel, caught your eye.

And boy, did he catch it good.

You spent basically every day with him. It was difficult not to get attached. He was your partner after all.

Once you realised, you freaked out. 

"There must be some kind of mistake..." You falter, knowing that it isn't true.

You'd fallen hard for the RK900.

You tried to hide your feelings as much as you could, because you were 1) a human 2) probably not good enough for him.

Fortunately you and "Nines" as you fondly called him, had quickly formed a good bond. Which was lucky because the first few cases had been very awkward.

He poked your shoulder and you realise that you'd been in a daydream for a few minutes. With his cold blue eyes bearing down upon you, you saw something else in his normal bored expression too... Concern maybe?

"Detective (L/n)?" Inquired the Android with a confused look on his face.

You shook your head slightly in an attempt to clear it. "Yes Nines?" You questioned the Android.

He moved his hands and sorted your uniform out quickly before moving your (h/c) hair out of your eyes and tucking it behind your ear. The corner of his synthetic lips twitched slightly, as if he was struggling to hold back a smile.

"Your eyes are very pretty," he complimented; making your face tint a soft, dark pink as you were flustered. Your heart pounded as he took his hands away. "You should show them more often." He decided as he started to walk off to where the case awaiting both of you was, leaving you to calm down your burning face.

'god damn that android.' You thought as you watched him walk away.

Sorry for the short chapter I'm just dealing with a lot of exams right now.

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