The Smokin' Babe

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-Saturday Night-
"Looks like my work here is done!" Lucifer hollers jumping on my bed as I unpack the last of my boxes.

"Yeah, you can stop bitchin' and moanin' about us actually doing the work," Micheal growls as he picks up the spare plastic to put it in the trash.

"None of you appreciate all I do for you!" he cries out, sprawling out across the mattress.

"Don't worry, we noticed how you give an example of how not to live. For heaven sake, you're seven years older than me!" I shoot back. Micheal was the first born. Lucifer a year later. Gabe was born two years after Luci. I'm the youngest, being born four years later.

"Hmph," he pouts, picking my cheeseburger alarm clock off the bedside table. I roll my eyes playfully and go to the bathroom door.

"I'm gonna use the restroom. Micheal, please make sure he doesn't break anything. I'm already in debt," I chuckle. Micheal nods and smacks the side of Lucifer's head.

"Be good."


After I attend to my business, I head into the closet to change out of my clothes. This time I make sure to look at the front of the shirt. It's a black tee with a vinyl, blue tie on the front then a black hoodie. I slide on a pair of blue jeans and peel off my bee socks. I attempt to smooth down my hair, with no avail. My eyes seem electric against my pale skin, but I've grow used to them over the years.

I step outside the restroom to find Lucifer in the same place I left him with Micheal leaning against the wall on his phone. I smirk and plop down on the bed next to Lucifer.

"So, when's the "roommate" headed back," he says with hand gestures around roommate.

I shrug back an answer, "I dunno. He's on a grocery run so maybe like a half hour? The kitchen is pretty empty so it might be a while." I continue to stare up at the wall, not giving Lucifer the satisfaction of my full attention.

"Awh. I wanted to meet the lucky man," he sighs. "Guess I'll have to wait here!" He springs off the bed to find another thing of mine to mess with, but I just ignore him. I'm exhausted from moving in.

"Aye Cassie, you got a text from Gabe... oh and an unknown number! Must be a mysterious man you got there Cassie. I'm jealous," he grins tossing my phone onto the bed beside me.

"I told you to be good," I hear Micheal growl then the melodious sound of a hand smacking Lucifer.

"Owie!" he whimpers. God. Those two... I look at Lucifer rubbing the back of his head. Never mind. That one.

Gabe: Hey Samantha and I are heading over now😘

Wait a minute what?

Me: Why?

I send the text then click out to check the other one.

Unknown: Hey. This is Dean... Winchester. Gabriel gave me your number because I realized I didn't get yours. I wanted to know what kind of cereal you wanted.

I read the text and sigh. Of course Gabriel gave him my number, but I guess he'd need it eventually. Before reading the other texts, I change his contact name.

Dean: Um I left the store but Gabriel said u like Lucky Charms. I may have also had to invite him and Sam over for dinner... sorry😐

Me: it's all good. My other brothers already invited themselves. I guess I'll see u soon...

"Oooohhhh. Mikey look! Cassie's smiling!" Lucifer chortles to himself while Micheal debates whether or not to hit him again.

"You guess are welcome to stay for dinner. Gabe and Sam are heading this way and Dean's bringing groceries in soon," I offer.

"Great! I didn't want to make Ramen again," Lucifer chimes in. He goes to pick up a picture of me and Charlie, but I quickly stop him.

"Let's go downstairs. I'll start us a movie."


I end up playing the new episode of Sherlock that Dean recorded on the tv. That way I can catch up to Charlie and Gilda before the next episode and I manage to get Lucifer glued to the tv.

Just as a new Johnlock scene is about to play, Dean steps through the door with bags hanging from each arm. I stand to help him, but it's too late. Lucifer notices and is instantly grabbing bags and carrying them to the kitchen without a word to the boy. Dean looks to me with a confused, but amuse look.

"I assume that's one of your charming brothers?" he laughs kicking his shoes off and setting the bags down in the entry way. I bend over to pick up a few of them and carry them to the counter.

"Yeah. Lucifer, or Luci for short," I respond trying not to spill anything or trip in on the way.

"Luci? As in the smokin' hot babe?" he coughs in disbelief.




"Whatdya making Cassie?" Lucifer purrs from the top of counter, where he swings his crossed legs like a fan girl.

"I dunno yet. Just throwing some spices and ramen together. Maybe I'll add some fingernails while I'm at it," I say with a sarcastic smile.

"Sounds delicious," Dean snickers pulling a couple beers out of the fridge and passing them out to everyone. I, on the other hand, just set it aside. Lucifer notices out of the corner of his eye, but doesn't say anything. Dean does.

"What's the matter Castiel? Don't drink?" he asks with general concern, or pity I don't know. I see Lucifer look to Micheal, who in return looks at me.

Micheal mouths, "You want me to-"

I shake my head and give Dean a quick response. "Just don't anymore."

"Why not. Here I'll get-" he starts to pull a shot glass out of the cabinet.

"No, I'm fine."

"Oh, c'mon let loose! It'll be fine, I-"

"I don't okay!" I suddenly shout, my hands shaking. Everyone goes silent, even Lucifer. Before my brothers notice, I stick my hands in my sweatshirt pocket. My fingers intertwine and I try to take my mind off of them. Soon the silence is unbearable.

"Hey, let's play a game!" Lucifer suggests already standing from the counter and heading to the door.
"I've got Monopoly in the car."

"I'll help," I say, following behind him, wanting to get away from Dean's sorrowful gaze. Lucifer gives me a pitiful look, but allows me to follow anyways. We leave Dean and Micheal sitting alone in the kitchen.

My bottle glistens in the sunlight reminding me of shattered glass against asphalt.

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