Yoo Jeongyeon: B'day Surprise

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You woke up to your alarm and smiled at your phone.

November 1

You looked to your side to see a peacefully sleeping Jeongyeon and instantly felt bad that you had to wake her up just to wish her happy birthday.

You shifted closer to your girlfriend, who was effortlessly beautiful, even if you couldn't see her in the dark.

"Happy Birthday Jeongyeon, i love you, so, so much" You whispered into her ear and kissed her cheek.

You swore, you lived for that pretty smile that appeared on her lips, before she opened her eyes.

"Thanks baby, i love you too" She said as she puckered her lips, wanting a kiss from you. Which you obliged to.

You waited for a few minutes until you heard her heavy breathing, which meant that she had fallen back asleep, to get up as quietly as you can and left the room.

Once you reached the living room, you took out a decorated jar- which you bought because there was no way in hell were you able to decorate anything without it looking like shit- and a few pieces of printed coloured paper.

You were gonna gift Jeongyeon a jar filled with loving and encouraging notes. It wasn't your best idea- nor was it originally your idea anyway, you came across it on instagram- but it was a good idea. You had already printed out the notes earlier at work so all you needed to do now was cut them out and put them in the jar. Easy.

And if you're wondering why were you doing this in the middle of the night, on her birthday, it was because you were one of those people who does everything in the last minute. But hey, if it works, then all is fine right?

You grabbed your spongebob ruler, which was the only ruler you could find in the goddamn house, and started carefully tearing every note. You were being extremely careful until your third paper.

You tried to take the paper by it's edge and let me tell you this, bad fucking idea.

Why do papercuts exist in this world? It's so small, yet so, excruciatingly painful.

Blood started leaking out of your finger and you immediately moved back, not wanting Jeongyeon's birthday gift to be blood-stained.

You ran to grab the first aid kit and took out the star wars themed band aid, which Jeongyeon found cute and so you bought it weeks ago.

But putting on band aid by yourself is no easy task. You were struggling with the band aid, and at the same time trying to keep the tissue in place, and at the same time trying not to cry because it hurt like hell.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, a certain concerned girlfriend woke up because when she wanted to hug you, you weren't there. So she went out to find you and there you were, on the couch, with your surprise gift out for everyone to see, struggling to put on a band-aid.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Jeongyeon asked, and was by your side in an instant when she saw the first aid kit.

"Nothing! Why are you awake?" You panicked.

"Why are you awake Y/F/N?" She asked, but then noticed your bleeding finger.

Surprisingly, she did not react the way you thought she would, she did not panic at the sight of your blood. Instead, she just laughed at you whilst getting up and going to the kitchen.

"Only you can get a cut while using a ruler, i swear" You heard her chuckle as she returned with a wet cloth.

You pouted and seriously started questioning your competence.

After she was done wiping the blood away, she wrapped your finger with the band aid and, as cliche as it may sound, kissed your finger.

But, unfortunately, she noticed the papers on the table and paused for a while, thinking.

"I'll help you" She said, to your surprise.

"What? No! I can do it" You said moving to block her from touching the papers.

"Really?" She asked, pointing at your finger.

You nodded, eager not to let her do it. "Okay, but i'm still helping" She laughed. And you just pouted because you knew that there was no way Jeongyeon was gonna change her mind.

In the end, Jeongyeon ended up doing all the work, since your little 'boo boo' still hurt, a lot.


In the morning, you woke up early to present the gift to her, even if she already saw it.

You waited for her to wake up fully, then approached her with a jar full of notes that had a ribbon on top.

"Happy Birthday Jeongyeon" You said enthusiastically, making your girlfriend laugh.

"What?! That was for me?! Wow!! Thank you!!" Jeongyeon sarcastically said, pretending to be shocked.

You both ended up laughing at her over-exaggerated reaction until both your stomachs hurt.

She kissed you on the cheek and still thanked you for the gift. Not forgetting to tease you about getting a cut whilst using a ruler though.

The rest of the day was spent wisely with you the rest of Twice. It was a good day for Jeongyeon but not so much for you, since you had to take all the teasing of the other girls about your silly cut from using a spongebob ruler.

Damn you Spongebob.

I know it's not Jeongyeon's birthday or anything but this was the idea i had.. so yeah


Sincerely, Author N

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