Son Chaeyoung: 20 Dollars

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It was a Friday night, and you were hanging out with the ladies of TWICE in their dorm. It wasn't surprising because it was expected of you, you would always visit them whenever you can. Sometimes you would go willingly and other times, well, they would basically force you into going saying how they were dying of boredom. But you didn't mind because it all led to more time spent with your baby tiger.

"Guys! Guess what just arrived!" Jeongyeon ran into the living room holding a medium sized parcel.

"How much did you spent on it this time?" Nayeon asked, rolling her eyes. Chuckles filled the room.

Jeongyeon pouted before continuing, "Not much... Anyways, this one is really interesting i swear" She said excitedly.

It wasn't surprising at all to see Jeongyeon taking out a weird machine with a few wires connected to the core of it. It also wasn't a surprise to see child-like-excitement plastered on her face as she took it out.

"This, my friends, is a heart rate monitor" Jeongyeon announced, holding it up in the air like the scene from The Lion King.

"Nice! We should try it out!" Chaeyoung suddenly said excitedly. She was so adorable that you couldn't help but smile.

"But who should we try it on...?" Jihyo asked slowly.

All of a sudden, all heads turned to you. And what was more terrifying was that they all had mischevious smiles on their face.

"Wait. What? Why me?" You asked as they slowly inched towards you. Jeongyeon being the creepiest with the weird machine in her hand.

"Because, we want to test out our charms and you're the only test subject here" Nayeon replied with that creepy grin of hers.

"Well, if you guys think my heart will race when you show your charms, think again, because i see you guys too often for your charms to work on me" You replied confidently. It was true, they invite you over for almost every night they had off, and you always say yes to these irresistible girls.

"Okay then, give us 20 dollars if even 1 of us makes your heart beat faster, each" Sana challenged.

"You have a deal" You crossed your arms as you laid back on the sofa.

"But Chae can't join" You set a condition, suddenly remembering that you'll have to face an adorable baby tiger which happened to be your girlfriend.


"No way!"

"Chae has to join!"

"I thought you said you see us too often and that it was impossible to make your heart race?"

"But that's not fair, she's my girlfriend... And have you seen that girl?" You reasoned.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

You: *Paper*
Dahyun: *Scissors*

The loudness of 9 cheering girls filled the whole house, and you stared at your hand in defeat. Why paper? Why?

Finally, after setting up the machine, the girls lined up and took turns to test their 'charms'.

Nayeon went first, she turned her back towards you and looked over her shoulder saying "Standby" with a sexy voice.

"Next" You lightly pushed her away, laughing at her attempt.

Jeongyeon went next, she lifted her shoulder towards you, fluttered her eyes- or attempted to because it looked like dust went in it or something- and puckered up her lips trying her best to look sexy.

"Why do you even try" You lightly pushed her aside as well, laughing even harder.

Momo's tactic was to do a somewhat sexy dance infront of you, though she made sure not to cross the line. She did body rolls and hairflips and she was close to making you a bit nervous but you calmed down when she laughed aloud thinking what the hell was she doing and gave up.

Sana was pretty good. But not good enough. Your heart did sped up when she rested her hand on your shoulder and asked "Would you like to have dinner with me later?", but luckily it only went up by a few beats per minute. You let out a breath after she was done because you admit, you were holding it in the whole time.

Jihyo tried. She really tried hard. A for effort. But all it did was make the whole crowd laugh, including you. She went for an aegyo approach and not only did she cringe herself, everyone else cringed even harder. It took a good 5 minutes for everyone to calm down and resume the game.

Mina didn't do anything, but creep you out. She just stared at you intensely and for some reason you felt a little nervous. It was so intense, that you started to have cold sweat and when she finally gave up, she told us that staring at someone intensely could make them nervous and therefore raise their heartbeat but fortunately it didn't work on you.

When it was Dahyun's turn, she turned he body sideways and looked you in the eye as she held her jacket that she was wearing- a yellow polka dot jacket which you gave her as a birthday gift- and slowly slid it down her shoulders. Another round of hysteric laughter boomed the house, and all 10 of you just ended up laughing your asses off for the next 5 minutes.

Tzuyu, tried as well. And succeeded raising your heart rate just by a few beats. It wasn't anything special, she was just naturally pretty and the way she just said your name did make your heart flutter a little, but that was it.

Chaeyoung went last, but before she started, you closed your eyes saying you needed a 'readiness of mind'. You mentally prepared yourself for what she was gonna do, whether it was a sexy act or an aegyo act, you would soon find out.

After taking a deep breath and made sure your heart was calm, you opened your eyes.

To your surprise, she was sitting cross-legged infront of you, and she leaned her body forwards, forcing you to lean backwards a little. You already felt your heart start to race just by the small gesture.

You were waiting for the ultimate act, but surprisingly, she just sat there, looking at you as innocent as a baby, smiling.

Again, you felt your heart betray you as you felt it speed up at your girlfriend's adorable smile. She was seriously the cutest girl in the world. Hand Down. Not only were you falling deeper in love, but you also got to enjoy this wonderful sight along the way.

"You know you look really cute right now Chaeyoungie" You said to her, smiling.

And you completely lost it when Chaeyoung closed her eyes and puckered up her lips, asking for a kiss.

You could hear the 8 other girls cheer for joy when they saw how rapidly your heart was beating, and honestly, you couldn't care less at the moment, all you did was held her face in your hands and kissed her sweetly.

Obviously, being the playful girls they were, they made a big fuss over it- and probably will for the next 2 weeks- but you didn't mind because you got your kiss and that was all that mattered.

The rest of the night was spent partying in their dorm with their famous disco light. You would almost always get super drunk whenever they have a party, but not this time.

When it struck 12, you kissed an already sleeping Chaeyoung goodnight and when you were about to leave her side, she suddenly grabbed your hand.

"Thanks for coming tonight Y/N, i had so much fun" She mumbled. ADORABLE.

"No problem Chaeng... Goodnight" You kissed her forehead this time, before finally heading for the door.

You smiled as you heard her whisper an 'i love you' but smiled even harder when you stepped out of their dorm, because the girls had completely forgotten about your 20 dollar deal.

Yes, this imagine was inspired by that one video where Sana single-handedly raised the guy's heartbeat. Anyways, i was supposed to study for my test next week and guess what? I didn't because i was on my fvcking phone.

Sincerely, Author N

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