vi | kings shall bow

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amore [ chapter six ]

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[ chapter six ]

POWERit infiltrates the system. You get to a point where you need it, crave it, where you'll do anything for power even if you have to bow down to someone else, where nothing else matters. Slowly, without you realising it, it becomes an addiction.

Power becomes the only thing that matters. You'd betray your friends, sell your soul, burn the world—anything, everything—just for a taste of it. It twists your mind until you can't remember who you were without it.

It doesn't matter how much it costs you in the end. The question isn't if you'll pay the price. The question is when.

For me, that's right now.

A deal had been laid out—one that promised me everything I'd ever wanted. The kind of power that would make me untouchable, that would make me feared, respected. The kind of power that my father always chased after.

The house before me was three stories tall, a Château-style estate with green vines crawling up the left side. The Romano Estate was situated close to the city—fucking massive place for the three that lived here. The Romano's were powerful, no doubt about it. Ruthless when they needed to be. But they were also smart. They knew power wasn't just about wealth or status—it was about connections. Alliances.

I knocked on the door. It took a minute before the large wooden door swung open. She stood there, a vision in a bright pink bikini top and tiny denim shorts with the button undone. Her dark brown curls framed her face, cascading over her shoulders. Somehow, with her hair falling like that, she looked even fucking prettier.

"You fucking bitch, I can't believe you—"

She froze, eyes landing on me as her sentence died out. For a moment, she looked like she was processing the sight of me standing there.

"Is that how you open the door to everyone?" I smirked.

"Mr. Parisi," she clears her throat, holding onto the door. "What are you doing here?"

Try not to stare at her body, but fuck she looks good like this. "I've got a meeting with your dad. He around?"

"Uh, no, he stepped out this morning. Should be back soon." She hesitated, her eyes flicking to me and then away. She hesitated for a moment longer before stepping back, allowing the door to open wider. "Come in."

I stepped in the house and she closed the door behind me. She glanced at me, her expression a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. "Can I get you anything while you wait? A drink?"

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