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amore [ chapter one ]

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[ chapter one ]

MY MIND IS A BLUR. There's an array of blues, acid greens and hot pinks flashing around the dark room of the club, adding to that hazy feeling in my head. All that could be heard was the thumping of the music which vibrated against the dimly light walls.

A fine layer of sweat clings to my skin as I'm pulled through the masses of bodies littering across the dance floor by my best-friend.

"Colin's friends are hot, aren't they?" She lolled her head to one side, pushing out her lips just a little. My eyes focus on my best friend, her blonde-white hair lying over one shoulder of her skin-tight dress. We're out so Ansel and I could meet the woman's new Boyfriend of the Month.

"Oh, I do not trust that man's friends," I shake my head, folding my arms across my chest, "I'd rather go home alone than hook up with one of those losers. Adam spent twenty minutes talking to me about his car, I didn't say a single word in the whole conversation, E."

Eden rolls her eyes, "You only say that because you're hooking up with a man double your age. He could practically be your father."

"His not double my age. His forty and I'm twenty-three. There's no harm in having a little fun with an older guy. It's nothing serious."

"Seventeen. He could have been seventeen when he became father and that is disgusting, babe," Eden shakes her head in absolute disgust. Neither of my best-friends have been particularly supportive of my doings with V. We're strictly business. My father would absolutely kill me if he knew that I was hooking up with Vitale.

After Eden caught me messaging Vitale earlier tonight, she strictly banned me from going to his place tonight. "I don't need a lecture right now, mother."

"What you need right now is another drink," My best friend points her manicured finder toward me, raising her eyebrow at me. She orders two glasses of champagne. "You are not drunk enough to have meaningless sex with a hot man."

"I am tipsy, but no one here is hot so my libido has crashed entirely," I groan.

Eden smirks at me over her shoulder. "What about that guy upstairs whose been watching you since we walked in? He is insanely hot."

My gaze stretched across the club, settling on a man upstairs. The man was leaning on the railing, one hand around the rail, the other around a glass full of brown liquor. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing various tattoos on his strong forearms.

Twenty-three years of friendship meant this woman knew my taste in men and she was spot on with this one. His head was slightly turned towards Eden and I, despite talking to the man next to him who was honestly, just as hot.

Our eyes caught for the slightest second before Eden's shoving a glass of champagne into my hands. "Okay, so there's one hot guy here," I shrug, taking one step. "But statistically speaking that's pretty shitty for a new club."

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