Chapter 1: Mom?

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The rain tapped on the window, giving Lucy the illusion that someone was actually at her window wanting inside. When she realized what it was, she felt loneliness in her chest. Usually, her nights consisted of Natsu and happy either begging for food or destroying her apartment.

During those times, all she wished for was some peace and quiet to herself. Now that she had that, she felt regret take over. The silence of her apartment seemed to resonate into Lucy's heart and her blood seemed to get colder, as if she was out in the icy rain instead of in her nice, warm, apartment.

Sadly, Natsu and Happy weren't there to help make Lucy happy again. Just that morning, they had gotten a tip from a man in town about something called a "Golden Chicken Nugget." Apparently, anyone who finds said nugget, wins free chicken nuggets for the rest of their lives.

Lucy, of course, thought he was insane and told Natsu that the man was lying, but Natsu didn't even stop to listen to her before her grabbed his things and left with Happy. At first, Lucy felt fine and was actually glad they were gone. Now, however, she realized that she didn't even know when they would be back.

SO she sat there, watching the rain drip down her window. After a few minutes, she shook her head and groaned.

"This is NO way to spend the only night I might ever get by myself. To start off, I am taking a bath to relax and then I will decide how to spend the rest of my night!"

Lucy grabbed the things she needed to make the most relaxing bath she possibly could. She set candles around the bath, started playing classical music, added lavender soap to her bath, and even poured herself half a cup of wine. The second she settled in the bath, she could feel the stress float off of her.

Leaning her head against the side of the tub, she closed her eyes and gave a content sigh. THIS was how she imagined her apartment to herself. No one barging in, no one screaming, and most importantly, no one to think about. It was just her.

A few sips of her wine later, she felt calmer than she had in a VERY long time. Her head felt fuzzy and she attributed that to the wine. She never had been a heavy drinker, so even just a few sips of wine were enough to give her a buzz.

Before she could even register the danger of her position, Lucy felt her body go numb and her vision go black. She no longer could feel any of arms or legs, let alone the warm water. Instead, she was floating weightlessly in pitch blackness.

"Hello? Anyone there?"

Lucy felt a shift in the air around her. It felt more violent, like something was controlling the wind. The feeling of her hair hitting her face tickled Lucy's nose, but she ignored it.


Her head snapped as she looked around. The woman's voice echoed through the abyss.

"Yes? What do you want?! Who are you?!"


Lucy's eyes blew up into saucers. She knew that voice.


The air around her stilled, as if time itself had stopped.

"Lucy. Don't be afraid."

That sentence bounced around her and she was forced to hear it over and over again. Her heart stopped as she started falling. Screams erupted from her, but they didn't sound like her. They were higher pitched like a little girl's.

Her body stopped its falling as it hit the wood floor. Slowly, Lucy stood up and looked around. Her body froze when she realized where she was. A large bed surrounded by thick red curtains sat on the opposite wall from Lucy.

Lalu Fanfiction (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now