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I was woken by a blood curdling scream. It sounds like my mother.! I quickly untangle my small legs from the warm crinkled sheets and let my bare feet touch the cold wood of my bedroom floor. I pitter patter towards my room door as quiet as humanly possible. I slowly turn the door nob and pull. I feel my body go ridget as my door starts to squeak.! I shut my eyes tightly and inhale a deep breath. When I finally have the door open enough to peek through the small crack, my tummy turns at what I see.! I see the silhouette of what looks to be my mother being yanked backwards by a man I can't make out. He's pressed to close to my mom for me to tell. I soon come to the realization that the man fighting with my mother is my father as he speaks, "I just can't do this anymore Mary but I can't walk away either. I'm so sorry baby but it's the only way.! I've got to end it all.! I then hear my mother crying, begging for her life.! I gasp and they must of heard me because my mothers head snapped towards my bedroom door. She screamed," KATHERINE RUN BABY.! GO GET HELP.! DONT COME BAC-" her last words seemed gargled as I saw blood splatter across the hallway wall. "NOOO.!!!" I cried. I slammed my door shut and turned the old timey key sticking out of the key hole and locked the door quickly snatching the key out. "Tsk tsk tsk, now come on kitty kat, why you gotta do daddy like that.? Open the door baby. Everything will be alright. I promise, daddy's gonna make it all better.!" He slowly begins to wrap on my door suddenly knocking harder and harder. "Stop daddy your scaring me.!" I scream. "Finally he's full blown banging on the door "OPEN THIS F*CKING DOOR KATHERINE ANNE MARIE.!! WE DO NOT LOCK DOORS IN THIS HOUSE.! YOU KNOW THE RULES NOW YOU MUST ENDURE THE CONSEQUENCES.!!!" He shouts from the other side of my thick wooden door. Out of no where the knocking stops. Everything is quiet. If it weren't for my mothers pool of blood seeping through the crack underneath my bedroom door I'd say that I was just having a nightmare. Fearing for my mothers life I tell myself there is no time to sit there shocked and scared. I've got to be mommy's big girl. I climb to my feet and run to my side table jumping over my bed in the process in order to get to the house phone my father hooked up in my room. I quickly place the ice cold receiver to my ear and dial 911 as fast as my frail skinny fingers will allow me to. Not soon after I hear a women on the other end of my furry pink princess telephone,"911 what's your emergency.?" I finally let the salty tears I've been holding in stain my hot flushed cheeks."m-my mother s-she's dying.! My father he hurt her.! I locked myself in my bedroom. She told me to run but I'm on the second floor and I can't jump. I'm scared he will come b-" BANG.!!! BANG.!!! "Omg please help he is cutting my door down with an axe.!!" I cry desperately into the now soaked telephone "listen to me kid, I need for you to try and find a hiding spot. Can you do that for me please.? It's gotta be a really good one okay.? While your doing that I'm going to track your phone so don't hang up okay.? Can you do that for me.?" The lady speaks softly down the line "yes ma'am" I choke out. "Good girl. Go do that now." She commands. I set the phone down next to the bed and think for a minute where I can hide. Suddenly a piece of wood comes flying towards my head as I let out an ear piercing scream.!! My father peeks through the door and decides to taunt me "peek-a-boo daddy sees you.!" He taunts in a baby voice. I quickly run to my ensuite bathroom and shut and lock that door. I hear him groan loudly and holler,"your only preventing the inevitable Katherine.!" I take in my surroundings and spot an A.C. Vent above the shower curtain. I flip through the folds of my brain to figure out how to get up there. I quickly spring into action and stand on the side of the bathtub. When suddenly something dawns on me I don't have a screw driver to open the vent. I hop back down and yank open my bathroom closet. I then take out my extra sheets for my bed set and start tying the ends of them together, afterwards I open the bathroom door that leads to the balcony and I throw  the sheets over the cold railing as my skin bumps up as the cold winter air bites at me. I tie one end of the sheet to the railing, then I look at the side of the house and step up on to the ledge. I scoot myself as carefully but quickly as possible to the next window which is on the other side of the house. When I finally reach it my fingertips feel like Ice. I still manage to get the window open and crawl through. I make my way to the kitchen hopping over spots in the floor boards I know creak. I go to the knife drawer and pull out the biggest one I can find, then I climb on to the counter and pull my self on top of the refrigerator. I then open the cabinets above the refrigerator and crawl inside and hide behind my mothers gigantic boiling pots. I sit there listening to my own heavy breathing. I can hear sirens in the distance and I feel relief wash over me. That's until I hear my father stomping his way down the stairs into the kitchen and realize he's opening cabinets.! My breathing suddenly quickens and I hear everything go silent as he listens for me. I don't hesitate to hold my breath. I was too late suddenly the cabinet I'm hiding in fills with light and pots are being yanked to the floor with a loud crash. Before I know it...I'm yanked down right along with them. Now my father has me by the throat pinned against the refrigerator like a stupid souvenir magnet.  He then lets out a deep laugh and says to me," awe baby girl that's funny.! What were you planning to do with this knife.!?" He harshly snatches the knife from my tiny hands and throws it to the ground behind him. He then turns back to me and smacks me hard across the face.! I feel like the whole left side of my face is on fire, like someone doused it in fuel then lit a match to it. I grasp at his large hand around my throat to try and let out the cry he's restricting from coming out. His hold is to tight I can't breath. "Just give in kitty Kat, join your mom so I can join you both the sooner we get this over with the better" still I try grasping at his hand. "Apparently you are your mothers daughter, guess we'll have to do this the hard way...again.!" Suddenly I feel my body smack the floor as I open my eye lids everything looks staticky and out of focus. I then feel my fathers size eleven boot in my gut. As I fall back down off of my hands and knees I see the knife laying in front of me. Before I can even think about what I'm doing the knife is deep in my fathers leg. The whole neighborhood probably heard my father howl in pain. I quickly pull the knife out and plunge it into his chest right where his heart is. For a moment he just stands there staring into my soul with a knife buried deep in his chest. What seems like hours later he falls to the ground eyes wide open lying eerily still. Next thing I know the front door is crashed in and I'm being scooped up into someone's arms and they are putting a scratchy blanket around me. Suddenly my world stops and I realize for the first time tonight what just happened, with that realization I gratefully welcome the darkness that overcomes me as the world before me fades from my vision.

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