Chapter 5/ Weird

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After the ordeal in the kitchen, Aunt Mandy took me upstairs to the bathroom. I am currently sitting on the ice cold lid of the toilet, I've gotta say it's quite uncomfortable even through my flower covered blue jeans. Aunt Mandy had her head under the sink, along with her whole upper half of her body. She said that she was looking for something called a pressure wrap, and burn ointment. Speaking of... I peer down at my now blistered,swollen forearm. I can't believe Aunt Mandy didn't believe me, I mean I can't even reach the top of the stove. I'm going to have trouble out of Annabeth, I already feel it. I also feel my anger rise at the thought of her, and if I'm being honest with myself... my fear as well. I find myself feeling as though I'm going to cry again out of frustrating and sadness, I just want my mommy. I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts as Aunt Mandy crouches in front of me, her makeup caked face eye level with my own bare naked one. I begin to analyze her matured features as she gets to work on doctoring my injured arm. The way her shoulder length curls sit stiff and unmoving, not one flyaway. Her lips stick painted on to perfection, the small yet noticeable beauty mark resting to the right of her perfectly shaped button nose. I notice the way her long beautiful eyelashes examine my gruesome wound. Even though she is beautiful on the outside I can't help but feel in my bruised gut that, her outer beauty doesn't quite reach her insides, I can't help but feel like something is off about her. I soon realize she had caught me staring, I glance down at my stinging arm to realize it's all wrapped up, I peer back up at her through my dark eyelashes to realize she's staring at my face now. "You look just like your mother Katherine" she said distastefully as she trailed her cold, nimble fingertips against the right side of my face causing me to slightly wince from the pain, bringing back the memory of how the bruise got there, like a strike of lightning I see a flash of my fathers angry face and his thick calloused hand lighting my face on fire. She notices the dead look in my sad eyes and the jerk of my frail battered body, her eyes soften but only slightly as she brushes my oily brown hair from my face and tucks it gently behind my ear. "We should get your ears pierced, it might make you look more like a girl, and do something with this hair" she says sort of dazed. Aunt Mandy then stands and glides right out of the bathroom. I sit there thinking 'yup, something is definitely off/weird about that woman'

<<<<Aunt Mandy on the side

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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